With several of my trolls seemingly on break, a bunch of “Q experts” are back on my ass. It’s all so tiring.
One of these “experts” is this insufferable dork who I have ignored for as long as possible. Now he is being loudly, intentionally obtuse about my article on the Fifth Column as if he actually understands it. Or the follow up.

The difference between this guy’s self-regard and any actual value he offers is staggering. I think he managed to fit 142 out of 143 Ways to Lie in one tweet.
What this “Q expert” seems to miss is that “Q” was not… honest. This may come as a shock to Mallard Man but “Q” delivered propaganda. It’s real meaning is always cloaked in projection. But this guy knows all about projection. Because it’s literally what he’s doing.
This morning I announced that I wasn’t going to send this article that you’re reading right now in the vain hope that Sir Dorkenstein would just shut the fuck up. Nope. He came up with this gem, just now:

What the entire, actual, holy fuck are you talking about? 🧐
This is what these people do. Come up with some random bit of insider-ish sounding trivia and make a claim to authority with it. This 8chan post has exactly zero to do with the Q drop or the tweet by “EtheFriend.” What’s a “Germananon?”
He’s vaguely insinuating some sort of antisemitic meaning for the Q drop and implying that I’m blind to antisemitism. I mean, I think? Then this one:
Again, I seriously… just… shut up dude. You are either the most arrogant person on planet earth, or you’re just another troll dressed like a duck. What does this have to do with anything? What are you implying?
Oh my god, he’s still going. Here he’s both getting things entirely wrong again and making fun of me for pointing out that there are accounts that are 100% devoted to making shit up about me personally and disparaging my work. Here he posts a screenshot from one of the worst — single purpose hate account “Jan Bobrowicz” as if this makes any fucking sense at all.
The only thing staring me in the face are TWO pompous asshats with nothing better to do than intentionally lie about people.

Oh Christ. I think this dumbass just got all 143 Ways to Lie in this next one.
Off the top of my head, in this one tweet, he simultaneously uses a fallacious call to authority using irrelevant evidence and non sequiturs to attack a straw man using ad hominem attacks to put words in my mouth in order to gaslight people to think I am a careless, shitty researcher when he is projecting his own behavior onto me.

Here are Ducky’s qualifications: “I mock and I know things.” 🥴
ICYMI, sport, here are mine.
In fairness, here’s his Patreon if you want to give him your money. See if you find anything of value or substance other than this article in which he lies his ass off about something that happened over a year ago.
So listen, shithead, just go tweet more QAnon trivia with your frens and leave the investigating to the grownups. You are embarrassing yourself. Quack. 🐤
UPDATE 2 (h/t Ben):
I… what? If Mr. Feminist here knew a single thing about me, he would understand how 1) funny and 2) enraging, this accusation is.
I mean, am I a misogynist, or a homophobe, or an antisemite? Or all three? Considering I’m half Jewish, and most of my closest friends are women and/or gay it’s just so … gross.
“Surfaces again and again”? When, where? He’s quoting someone else who didn’t say anything hostile at all. Remember this guy is attacking ME for being loose with facts. This is just pure unadulterated defamation.

“Follow along” while pompous asshat explains things from a QAnon point of view. “Please ignore the man behind the curtain while I blow more smoke up your ass about what an expert I am and how this is all so complicated.”

He finishes it up with this pedantic drivel. “Here endeth the lesson”… Did he really tweet this?
Again, Turducken here is either unwilling or unable to get his head out of his own ass and understand that EtheFriend IS telling them that, which is why a bunch of them showed up on 1/6.
Was the cover story that Trump is a Russian asset and they are being psyoped by LARPs? No you IDIOT. It’s propaganda. Why is all of this so hard for you?
Here endeth the lesson: 🖕

Another expert researcher.
When criminal, cult, perpetrator ... isn't cutting it, you can tweet the following:
'Jim and the people who worship him have a deep, quiet hostility towards gays that surfaces again and again'
These asses fucking piss me off. Period. How the actual FUCK do any of these fools know what I, or anyone that subscribe to this Substack think, do or believe IRL? Oh? They DON’T. Fucking offensive as hell.
Further, for “anti-QAnon/disinfo” people, to say “ @janbobrowicz@QOrigins Jim and the people
who worship him have a deep, quiet hostility
towards gays that surfaces again and again” is not only offensive and vile, isn’t that *conspiratorial* & because it’s based on, well, I don’t fucking know, a couple of tweets? Guessing—*presuming*? Gee, isn’t that WHAT QANON DOES?
These fools are obvious and bad-faith actors. END OF STORY. KassabdraSeven, who o repeat, we used to follow one another on twitter and DM, her *behavior* was always combative. Because she deletes tweets, switches handles (again, I’ve caught her red-handed), while I can’t prove that is how she hasn’t been suspended, it’s a data point, at least for me, to just bookmark. And BTW, she HAS had an account suspended, she will deny it, but that’s a FACT.
I don’t know what is going on with her, I just know that her behavior on Twitter has always been mean and she has always looked for an argument. Gee, seems to me, constantly *replying* on threads of folks she name-searches that have blocked her to harass the people commenting on the OP’s thread, might be a violation of TOS. But what do I know, I’m sure her pal, expert, “conspire0” (spelling?), would have an issue with that kind of repeated behavior, no? LMAO
These ppl are liars, bad-faith and it’s obvious. And weird, Nicole and that “Magic” person, WHAT HAPPENED? Your SF School board effort with the ineffective Our Revolution SF not work out? I invite ppl to read about what actually happened in SF and that recall — JUST SAYING. The person that was recalled — well—as a mom, I’d be beyond troubled, but that’s just me. LOL . And, some D+20 seats aside, The Bernie movement, Our Rev, Justice Dems, DSA etc HAVE NEVER FLIPPED A RED SEAT TO BLUE. It’s a fucking failure and an embarrassment.
And Nicole, your behavior is combative and ridiculous . Forget Jim, I watched it in real time *with others*. Just obnoxious LMFAO.
“Experts” (what are the official credentials??), like Mike R, “Travis View”, all of them, are what? You got to 8 Chan or whatever first? GTFO.
The majority of you downplayed— made fun of ppl concerned about Russian interference. Are pals with others that view that issue in the same way, well, as we are now seeing with Ukraine, with what Putin has done, between 2014 and taking over Crimea, the disinfo around that, BREXIT, the involvement in that, Hillary Clinton and hacking emails (DNC, then Podesta), using Wikealeaks, etc, — to weaken the EU, weaken the west, help Trump win (he said he was going to pull us out of NATO), on & on & on. You all look RIDICULOUS now.
I get it. Bernie-aligned people —or ppl that are to the left of “the establishment” thought “Russiagate” was Hillary making excuses for her loss. I swear, all of you look so loud and fucking wrong. Did Putin create Qanon? No. Did he use social strife to amplify tensions? Yes. Anyway, it doesn’t matter, all of you are liars so whatever.
You know, there are ppl on twitter I don’t agree with, ppl with Substack accounts I don’t like—just move the fuck on; keep scrolling, LMAO