I have asked multiple articulate sources...who and what is Godlike Productions?

I know where and when and how I was hacked.

That I have had to suffer this alone for almost twelve fucking years next month is beyond terror.

Real life and online. I would agree this is mercenary state and corporate terrorism. Always has been.

Mine started with the volumetric dirty filthy bitumen fossilized hate. It appears summing up to the same mercenary methodology. I hope PBS while continue to expose that part.

These were methods employed and seeded! Anadarko even said it aloud to an actual audience of gasp! And BP you fucking British Petroleum Beyond Petroleum fuckers know exactly how you weaponized it.

Get it everyone! This is what the bottom of the barrel dirty energy looks like. Permeated.

Communications is also Critical Infrastructure! Normalizing hate into that Public Trust is the terrorism.

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This is a must listen. Dr. Kriel is one of the most articulate people out there with a great voice too. Doing key work. A visionary and a change maker. Jim's input was clarifying and excellent. This interview adds context to the online bullying Jim has suffered and we, his supporters, have been brought to recognize and better understand. Your suffering has served some good purpose, Jim, but I wouldn't wish on anyone the bullying by sociopaths that you've experienced. I couldn't have handled it anywhere near as well as you have.

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Excellent interview. Who are the best lawmakers and anti-extremist groups in America to share this with?

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