Great interview. Wes is a really interesting character and very intelligent, which goes to show that even very bright people can be prone to being psyoped and even magical/delusional thinking.

It's tangential, but was listening to a local NPR station's roundtable show and they were discussing the infiltration and disruption of school boards and local governments by right-wingers, but I heard no mention of the influence of Flynn and his campaign: "local action = national impact" or whatever the slogan is. No mention of Stone, Bannon, etc. I really wanted to e-mail in a comment to tell them they need to dig down and find the roots of the problem in the radicalization campaigns of these fascist scoundrels, unfortunately I was driving and didn't get the opportunity.

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Wes Clark for President or something. Or Senate. Or AG. Seriously, this guy is fantastic and the insights here are astounding and powerful.

Thank you thank you thank you for all your important work here

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