Green Defense Real Blue Anon. They are just a handbook of outside the box Cambridge Analytic Color Sets . Looks like Bannon and Mercer working together to take down Biosphere II all over again.

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"Vladimir Putin’s aim is to sow chaos in Europe. That is why it’s particularly significant that this British national security lobbying group funded by four giant oil and gas firms, several NATO members, along with the Russian Government, is warning that climate activists will turn to “violence”.

The International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) published the claims in February in a new research paper, ‘Green Defence: The Defence and Military Implications of Climate Change for Europe’, shortly before Russia’s invasion of



Right on time.

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Oh crud - I thought I made that joke up and then I see in Jim's posts today that RBA already coined it. Well - in that case, I'm happy to re-appropriate it as a term of support for Jim.

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Trying to keep up. I must admit I'm not very successful.

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