Reports: Dugin Hospitalized for “Heart Attack;” Russian “National Republican Army” Claims Credit for Bombing [UPDATE 1]
I will update this post.
Background here.
IMO, either this is a fake story or they had a backup plan to take Dugin out. The “heart attack” narrative should, to say the least, be strenuously scrutinized.
In another fascinating development, a brand new group connected to Russian dissident Ilya Ponomarev, has claimed credit for the bombing.
Here’s their statement in Russian:
Here’s the translation:
During these moments, there will be many narrative cross-currents, as the propagandists jockey for position with legitimate sources. I have no idea how “real” the Republican National Army is but this is a hell of a thing to take credit for.
Dugin and his daughter are genocidal war criminals. No quarter should be given. If Russian dissidents are really taking this kind of action against “Putin’s Brain” it seems that Ukraine may become less of a priority for Putin very soon. Let’s hope so.
Just for “fun,” here is Dugin at concert for Aleister Crowley in 1995. Dugin has incorporated occult, Satanic and neo-nazi ideas into his propaganda for decades.
Of course “Putin’s Priest,” Head of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), Kirill, has weighed in with his condolences.
But even the ultra-fascist ROC is not regressive enough for Dugin; he is an “Old Believer” which is a group that wants to go back to a fundamentalist form of christo-fascism from before the 1660s.
That video is some bizarre shit. I mean Aleister Crowley wasn't exactly a traditionalist, was he? Crowley's Thelema is the ultimate left-hand path ideology, no? Of course, rightist elites are often guilty of believing rules are for the unwashed masses and not themselves. They prescribe a traditional right-hand path religion for the masses, but they themselves are basically Satanists.
Pretty ironic that Flynn/s sedition roadshow is now, barely covertly, promoting the ideas of this Satanist while pretending to be all about some kind of Christian Great Awakening.
Fuck them.
Zarina wrote a new profile for Bywire. If he dies... well. Markov is the guy who said that Litvinenko wasn’t killed by Russia, so he’s not necessarily telling the truth.