Interesting that Watkins has 324,000 subscribers on Telegram yet has had minimal campaign donations from people who actually reside in Arizona. Before he shut down his comments channel on Telegram, it was common to see his followers post comments like “I don’t live in Arizona, but if I did I would support you.” So where do his subscribers live? How many of the 324,000 are inauthentic accounts?

Watkins wasn’t living in the US as of January 6, yet he was devoted to heavily promoting Trump’s Big Lie and Trump’s coup narrative to his over 400,000 Twitter followers (many of which were foreign accounts and probably many were inauthentic accounts).

Watkins urged Trump to “cross the rubicon,” urged Trump’s supporters to follow Trump as he “crossed the rubicon” in DC on Jan 6, and offered financial support to people to go.

Watkins has attended events with Michael Flynn, Michael Lindell, and other known conspiracy theorists. Are we to believe Watkins has dedicated years of his life promoting Donald Trump for free and that he did not profit from role? Yes, Watkins is a behattedf*ckwit.

Now would be a great time for Watkins to spill the beans to the J6 Committee.

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Watkins has shit the med-bed.

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LOL, yes!

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Awww, he's hurt deep inside 😋

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Wow.......just.....wow!!! Excellent piece Jim!!

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