
I think she is genuinely radicalized. No, I don’t think she’s a QAnon adherent per se, but I’m sure she has integrated parts of the propaganda into her belief system.

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

No surprise. You've ben telling us, Jim, and now a news host is saying it out loud on Russian tv. Is that a widely watched in Russia, mainstream Russian news outlet? Let's be sure not tao take our attention away from Ginny Thomas, though. I see her as a q-anon devotee who really believes the kooky, and that the plotters behind her (Flynn, Eastman- Jim help me here) are putting her out front as a well-connected fall-girl. Jim, what do I have right and what do I have wrong? She's probably not brilliant, but she's devoted, well connected and very dangerous, right?

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