The horseshoe theory is real

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Finding this linked from a current story and just blown away.

I watched in 2014-2016 4chan go from being a dark cess pool to a fascism factory. I remember seeing powerpoint slides about meme warfare posted consistently on /pol/ about the same time DNC leaks were “dropped.”

And now seeing fascist trolls on twitter the likes I’d never encountered earlier…..

Last time is still too painful. I still have psychic scars from the last meme wars.

No amount of yelling into the abyss helps btw. Im fact, engaging with the monster only seems to strengthen it. I reco everyone shut down their twitter account (you can download your content). This substack format here is far more healthy and productive if Twitter is in the bag for fascists.

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Oof I need to wash my brain after reading that copypaste chat. Thank you for this, I understand so much more!

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Excellent synopsis: blame Hillary, not the Russians. Ed Rendell, who organized the DNC in Philadelphia in 2016, uttered those very words. Turns out he took a position on the board of a Saipan casino with Trump goons, including Rudy’s running buddy. You’re a great writer. .

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This is perhaps the best wrap-up I've read. This needs to be fleshed out and published in book form.

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"My more progressive friends were gravitating to Bernie instead of Hillary.... I was fine with that, until they started actually attacking me if I even brought Hillary’s name up." The same dynamic was at play in 2008. If you had the temerity to suggest Hillary was the more qualified candidate, you would be swarmed on Daily Kos and Political Animal. It was nasty.

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"They ultimately decided on a piece promoting eugenics which traded on Brennan’s disability." Wait, how does that work? Wouldn't Brennan be the first to be culled in a eugenics regime? Is it something like the double back flip Putin is pulling with his denazification of Ukraine?

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"... left over like background radiation ..."

Great simile.

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Jim, I note you say "ruin their lives" a lot. You may underestimate the toughness and resilience of women...and yourself. We've been dealing with this shit forever. Look at the disinformation operation run on Hillary starting more than three decades ago. I would argue it was the modern prototype for what blooms today like a corpse flower. But did it ruin Hillary's political brand? Yes. Did it ruin her life? No. The woman made the world a better place. These attacks on you won't ruin your life. They will leave you with the hide of a crocodile, and you will leave the world a better place. I envy you that you have the character, intellect, and skills to do that.

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“men’s rights” — which is the gender equivalent of “white lives matter.”


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SPLC is continuing to mop up after those pool parties though. Can’t wait for the final installment of that.

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Then pizzagate baked it into their four week old left over pizza crust all over their floor. Use fool, idiots, brains were already baked into the crust by that point.

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"If you can piss people off, it'll spread quicker". 😑

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I didn’t see who the alt-left are supposed to be. I know Taibbi, Greenwald and Assange are the alt-left but how did that happen. I was once a huge fan of all three.

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I was too, Bonnie. I was following Taibbi and Greenwald well over a decade ago. I remember the moment Greenwald went off the rails, but I cannot remember for the life of me what the trigger was.

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