I drove my Subaru in a supernova. I could see through its foggy sky as people ran by. The air was hot but just warm enough for a baby.
My wife, Marcy, and my two children, ages two and five, arrived at my house with our two vehicles waiting.
I arrived at the family home only a few minutes late. Marcy knew it just wasn't safe to drive our family vehicles, so her kids and I headed back to the house.
Later in the day, our 7-year-old was playing at a soccer field, and Marcy walked through the front door to greet us. I asked her to bring her bag, saying I needed something to show her what it would be like to be our family vehicle.
"So what if, when do you need anything?" I asked. Marcy said she would bring it later.
That was the first time I experienced some of the things I did during the family vacation. First was my brother being away early. So when Marcy got home from the vacation, she and I would use each other's car. Our parents would take our kids to the park for dinner, and then we drove to our sister's house. One week later, our mom noticed we were still driving.
In my family vacations, we would put all our cars in different locations. I watched Marcy and the children drive. Marcy and my children played outside together.
The bf said the other day he didn’t remember Heavens Gate cult. I’m like how do you not remember 39 people killing themselves in a house in our state where the men lobbed one testicle off?! That club had everything! Hale Bopp, millenarianism, gnosticism, UFOs, & they all bought alien abduction insurance -wtf 😐. Pre internet!
Wasn’t pre Internet, but early internet. Many of those folks were actually coders. I had a friend in business school whose company used them! True story.
I drove my Subaru in a supernova. I could see through its foggy sky as people ran by. The air was hot but just warm enough for a baby.
My wife, Marcy, and my two children, ages two and five, arrived at my house with our two vehicles waiting.
I arrived at the family home only a few minutes late. Marcy knew it just wasn't safe to drive our family vehicles, so her kids and I headed back to the house.
Later in the day, our 7-year-old was playing at a soccer field, and Marcy walked through the front door to greet us. I asked her to bring her bag, saying I needed something to show her what it would be like to be our family vehicle.
"So what if, when do you need anything?" I asked. Marcy said she would bring it later.
That was the first time I experienced some of the things I did during the family vacation. First was my brother being away early. So when Marcy got home from the vacation, she and I would use each other's car. Our parents would take our kids to the park for dinner, and then we drove to our sister's house. One week later, our mom noticed we were still driving.
In my family vacations, we would put all our cars in different locations. I watched Marcy and the children drive. Marcy and my children played outside together.
The bf said the other day he didn’t remember Heavens Gate cult. I’m like how do you not remember 39 people killing themselves in a house in our state where the men lobbed one testicle off?! That club had everything! Hale Bopp, millenarianism, gnosticism, UFOs, & they all bought alien abduction insurance -wtf 😐. Pre internet!
Thanks for all your great writings!! ♥️
Wasn’t pre Internet, but early internet. Many of those folks were actually coders. I had a friend in business school whose company used them! True story.
You're right DegonniaFamolare. TY
Ya i guess i should have said before it became widely used lol. Wow that’s wild!
I remember Heavens Gate. I remember they were wearing the same shoes. Nikes?
Your right Jenn! Pre internet! Did not remember the testicle chopping. Mutilation. Not cool.✌🏻
Ya. And like the exact same amount of money in all their pockets. Really sad.
Sounds like the name of an album. We are children of the Sun our father who makes art in heaven afterall...
This is seriously one of the finest rock songs ever made, Children of the Sun by Billy Thorpe: https://youtu.be/XR2oct3zeTM
Pink Floyd? 😎
Nah fuck Roger Muddies Waters.
who then? Speak
The Astrophysics of Violence sounds like a Tool or NIN or Telephonic album maybe...
How about Zappa?
Stable Yellow Giant here! Where's my t-shirt??
Beautifully written Jim. I am here for the fight to give humanity a chance. Never give up. ✨🕊❤️
Truly, if we cannot solve human problems here on the planet of our birth, how the hell would we do this elsewhere? Clean our own homes first.