This is how I see it too, Jim. It seems clear as day to me. So very frustrating. I will continue to share your work. Thanks.

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Jim, get the book out. Then tour it. Be safe. The children scream, make it stop. The animals scream make it stop. The elders must stop these insane people. Enough already. Uuuugggggghhhhhh

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To all: Please subscribe to my new substack. We are focusing on how international events shape local policies. Our first item of foxus is is the school board elections. We are in Iowa and it's a hotbed of culture war here! All articles are free! I encourage comments. We have got a good reception to start with almost 2,000 views already.


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Great piece Jim.

Because Biden hasn’t made this clear, Putin, Trump and the rest of their axis of a-holes will continue to use that to their advantage in this hybrid WW3.

Why won’t he make this explicit? Too scary for the Joe sixpack voter?

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Chilling... he’s right out there in front and out loud.

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My family is a black swan Victim but I'm told by their law enforcement I can't publicly speak Bout certain details or they will arrest me on a FELONY!!

HELP!! I'm in a Trump GOP town, filled with his crooked law enforcement, living across from Nazis!!

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