That's exactly the right framing "its real goal — to condition people for mass death." Same with "Ascension" messaging on the New Age/Occult side. Example excerpt: "In the literature on the afterlife, the “first death” is regarded as the death of the physical body while the “second death” is regarded as the dissolution of the astral body. (1) The first death moves us from the Physical Plane (3D) to the Astral Plane (4D) and the second death from the Astral Plane (4D) to the Mental Plane (5D).

"The second death on the inner planes of life is the nearest equivalent I can think of to what we call “Ascension.”'

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As seen in a tweet from a couple of days ago:

We Are On The Brink Of Ascension

Aurora - The Galactic Federation You will know you have ascended when you no longer fear death and when you realize that your mind is not your brain.

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The Origins of 3D-5D

"The earliest mention of the fifth dimension in book titles/subtitles (not counting novels, math/science textbooks, policy programs, or the musical group by this name) that I could find was Journeys into the Fifth Dimension, published in 1975 by Helena E. Ruhnau, who also authored another book in 1982 titled Light from the Fifth Dimension (The Heaven World). Consistent with this title, other books from the twentieth century also equate 3D to hell and 5D to heaven."

"Further, in Light from the Fifth Dimension, Ruhnau identifies herself as “a spiritual messenger for The Great White Brotherhood,” to “bring about the Divine Plan,” and “the warnings and prophesy given by the Christ are being fulfilled” because “we are at the culmination of the Ages.”' https://sheynagalyan.medium.com/why-i-reject-3d-5d-ascension-theology-f7f5ff784a4

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"The Great White Brotherhood is the cringe-inducing name given by various 19th and early 20th century occultists and Theosophists to a supernatural communion of enlightened spiritual teachers.[1] The members of the Brotherhood are sometimes called the Ascended Masters.[1] Various religious leaders have said they have received messages from these beings, including Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Theosophy), and Guy Ballard ("I AM" activity)." https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Great_White_Brotherhood

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Michael Flynn is an asshole

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1976/1977. This doesn't surprise me after I listened to the song. That vibe. Oldest brother would have played this shit. I liked it a lot at one point. I still do, I just never hear anything remotely close to it anymore. hahaha

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