THE EVENT: Read This Thread by Dave Troy
This is a strain of Putin’s ideology that has been unreported and needs to be understood quickly
I’ve been privileged to watch some of the work happen on this project. This is a very serious and deeply researched subject that needs as much attention as possible.
Dave has uncovered a dangerous strain of apocalyptic pseudoscience whose creator Anton Vaino has been elevated into the Chief of Staff position at the Kremlin — Putin’s #2.
Given the current geopolitical situation in Ukraine, Putin’s totalist ideology, and the intense stressors on America that have been intentionally put in place, we cannot afford to be surprised by this.
I have also noted a significant increase in apocalyptic psyops, especially on Kremlin propaganda channels.
Dave used a few of my screenshots.
This narrative fits well with Flynn’s and cannot be dismissed as just QAnon propaganda. They seem to be setting up for a shock which includes a “flash.”
Follow Dave. More to come.
It sounds like a horrendous cocktail of science and the occult, concocted to please Putler. Noosphere+ Eurasianism+ longtermism+Accelerationism+???… what matters is that Putin and others believe in it. Dave’s warning is important.
So sick of Russian Rasputin types...