As I recall, one of the points Assangeโ€™s lawyers made in one of his numerous appeals was that he was in danger of committing suicide if he was extradited. It wouldnโ€™t come as a surprise, then, if, amazingly, he โ€œkilledโ€ himself when he finally gets extradited, would it?

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Jim, I am glad you can keep a sense of humor through all of this. I am grateful for all you do.

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Sep 26, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Now Snowden can be conscripted into the Russian army. Good.

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That would be nice but I donโ€™t think they are sending the modern day Kim Philby to an early, pointless death. Thatโ€™s for their ethnic minorities, and poor rural residents.

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I do love the irony of mr. civil libertarian getting his citizenship while folks in Dagestan are being rounded up at gunpoint to be used as cannon fodder. Heโ€™s such a self righteous prick.

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