Sep 15, 2022·edited Sep 15, 2022

Kanekoa in Hawaiian breaks down to Kane = man & Koa = brave or warrior. So, Brave Man or Warrior. These pubes love Hawaiian culture, eh? Scavino, McConney, Flynn, Trumputin & Theil need more door knocks. Gawd awful men. Arrest them

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Sep 15, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

What could be more Orwellian than Trumps soQial media cesspool being called "Truth?" I suppose there's a sort of evil brilliance to it. But is it working? I see it has about 2 million active users. If that's correct, it's pretty pitiful.

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

Wow, his Telegram followers have really really shrunk. Good work!

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