House of embarrassment

Greetings Jim:

Why do we in the US have a House of Representatives? Admittedly, the lower house of Congress is overwhelmingly on the downside of the influence of policy. We are more likely to see miscreants and lackeys elected due to the whims and randomness of one’s district. Also, we see many Representatives leave the House after a while to seek higher office. I am reminded of an old statement which went “Every Congressperson wants to be a Senator, and every Senator wants to be a President.” It can get difficult to have an impact in the lower house unless you have some form of House leadership, a one in four chance of that happening. And recently, the House of Representatives has been committed to not doing the one important task of the legislative: legislating.

Does it seem odd that when a population low on education and high on gullibility elect people from the Republican Party who are of the same predicament and become part of an undeserved majority, the Congressional lower house becomes instantly schizophrenic? This past week of having 15 votes to decide that Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) would be Speaker of the House was a waste of time and resources. I hope to have more to say on this as the weeks go on and the calls for dismantling the lower house get louder. Otherwise, we have a long year ahead of us.

Best Wishes and Kindest Regards,

Robert Kelly

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Please stop thinking like a politician. Unless of course you are one. We keep sitting around and waiting for the next idea that is nothing more than an idea that may, or may not work. I am by no means a radical. That so many ppl call others trying to get ppl to see clearly, and to stop waiting on govt that isnt coming alarmists, or thought of as radicals, isn't bc they are but bc complacency has become popular. Continually strategizing so democrats can win is not the answer to fix anything. And btw the democrats are more than happy to hold democracy hostage to win elections, rather than have anyone expect that they actually do their jobs, and to fix what theyve had a hand in on breaking as well. We are in deeper shit everytime. Oh, sorry, this isnt about your piece, which is good, but about the fuckery.

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The good news is that 2024 elections are really critical and having the House so ugly and dysfunctional will offer Democrats a chance to juxtapose and demonstrate sane competence. Just don’t expect ANY legislation to get passed in the meantime.

I hope the Dems are up for the challenge. The biggest danger I see is the potential for another fascist to get elected President, not likely Trump any longer, but maybe DeSantis or Trump Jr. In any case, that appears to me the largest danger point. Democrats will have to win a landslide so there is not any chance to deny the election results.

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We need to target certain States now with an agreeable vision for America's future in hand. For me it's the green economy (run by non-fascists) to help us find middle ground. Take the houses and presidency and we might be able to stop Citizens United, and reverse course.

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I couldn’t agree more about a vision for a better future that addresses our unsustainable economy. But I also think it needs to be sold as a road to prosperity, non-radical, non-threatening and simply sensible. It cannot be a shame fest that asks middle Americans to make a bunch of sacrifices. There cannot be regressive carbon taxes for example. It needs to be attractive and appealing and helping to level the playing field against big money and corporate interests. There needs

to be answers that appeal to not just urbanites, but also appeal to the forgotten places and rural America, farmland and flyover country.

The great majority of Americans and everyone for that matter just wants Peace and a fair shot.

I find Carbon tax and dividend to be very appealing and think Democrats should really press on that nationally, leaning on some of the old Republican guard who have supported such legislation.

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