Well...my physical appearance has never been great anyway--it's mainly the health issues that keep me limited. But, hey, I'm very lucky compared to many...for sure.

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I am feeling somewhat helpless in the face of all this. I'd appreciate any suggestions from friends here about what a person like me can contribute to this war effort--because that is what it is. My limitations--age, health, finances, etc. --keep me from physically hitting the streets. I live in Mississippi, where everyday for the past hundred years, it seems like, the Jackson clinic (now known as the Dobbs clinic, I guess) has fought bravely against daily forced-birther attacks. There are good, right-minded people here. Don't write us off. But it seems all I do is rant and try to stay informed. If you have any suggestions, like the best organizations to put my meager donations, please share with me. Most of my few friends are in the gay community. I fear for us. Thank-you all for your support and hard work. Peace.

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Watch Chris Hayes.

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I have little hope we can win against the fascists as the Democrats no longer hold any kind of moral superiority in the fight for personal freedoms as they will not say anything negative against the religious fanatics that are guiding the Republican push for a Christofascist state. When Pelosi's best pushback against fascism is "I pray for them" and Schumer can't whip his side of the aisle to vote as a block and then just throws his hands up and surrenders, what do you expect. This article from the Huffpost was most disturbing today as it shows how the left's inability to create real change or even come up with a popular message is losing their much needed support. People would rather vote for a party with no platform that they think just might be able to make their financial lives a little better then vote for the party that can't seem to get anything substantial done due to the lack of will to fight hard for change. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/election-2022-party-switchers_n_62b9ad0ee4b06594c1e76604

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Red Orchestra: The Story of the Berlin Underground and the Circle of Friends Who Resisted Hitler. New York: Random House, 2009.

Anne, journalist, author, playwright, and professor, rocks.

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Ari Melber is covering SC bullshite right now. Oh and Jim more vids like this. (daily?)

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They’re coming in fast. Fight back.

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