The 2nd amendment isn't for Democrats or anyone that doesn't worship Donald Trump and especially if they expose Republicans. If you are in a red region and tracked down from social media as someone standing up, if maga has control over authority they will ban your gun rights. It doesn't matter if you are a law abdiing citizen and ex law or especially federal law enforcement yourself.... If you don't worship Trump, and willing to fight as soldier under Mike Flynn to eradicate Democrats, they will come for your 2nd amendment rights they cry over l the time is so precious to them! Only they voters they trust to remain in the cult will be allowed to have guns! They've already done it to us in this tiny little Trump town of horrors and the funny thing is we were NOT even gun owners! There were NO guns in our household because my husband felt it safer that way doing to raising a whole team of kids. We have 3 boys still at home. Ages 17, 9, and 6 that would get gun curious. My 9 year old is disabled special needs that doesn't understand but is all boy. He could confuse playing with a gun easily. So we didn't own guns but I was on a local maga target list by help started from some local big NAR puppets working with local police who's fake cried my social media NON-VIOLENT content "scared" them because I called out the truth to explain the lies. Which started after local GOP White nationalist "Karenx" tried to shove qanon and Jule Green down my throat, but of course I rejected it and said this is non-sense! It was very disturbing content they pushed on me first they actually was kinda scary. I thought OMG, people are being subjected to this insanity! So I shared content and only wrote a few articles and a couple songs but my content a judge said he literally to label as "disorderly conduct" 🤣🤣🤣

Give me a break! Someone wake me the fuck up from this current nightmare I'm living in and tell me this isn't real!! Oh my God I wish they were possible! I wish to God this wasn't real but sadly it is! It's got to be stopped but I don't know if anyone can. The Republican corruption has grown way to strong! They are literally trying to tell me to delete my certified original main accounts and if I post anything else I will get 10 years in prison! I had to create this new substack bot account this week just to feel somewhat safe o may have a little longer online before they do what they are about to do next to me! I fucking hate them! I fucking hate them all! There is NO goodness left in Republicans at all but they've won, or at least they have beaten me.

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Well...my physical appearance has never been great anyway--it's mainly the health issues that keep me limited. But, hey, I'm very lucky compared to many...for sure.

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I am feeling somewhat helpless in the face of all this. I'd appreciate any suggestions from friends here about what a person like me can contribute to this war effort--because that is what it is. My limitations--age, health, finances, etc. --keep me from physically hitting the streets. I live in Mississippi, where everyday for the past hundred years, it seems like, the Jackson clinic (now known as the Dobbs clinic, I guess) has fought bravely against daily forced-birther attacks. There are good, right-minded people here. Don't write us off. But it seems all I do is rant and try to stay informed. If you have any suggestions, like the best organizations to put my meager donations, please share with me. Most of my few friends are in the gay community. I fear for us. Thank-you all for your support and hard work. Peace.

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Watch Chris Hayes.

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I have little hope we can win against the fascists as the Democrats no longer hold any kind of moral superiority in the fight for personal freedoms as they will not say anything negative against the religious fanatics that are guiding the Republican push for a Christofascist state. When Pelosi's best pushback against fascism is "I pray for them" and Schumer can't whip his side of the aisle to vote as a block and then just throws his hands up and surrenders, what do you expect. This article from the Huffpost was most disturbing today as it shows how the left's inability to create real change or even come up with a popular message is losing their much needed support. People would rather vote for a party with no platform that they think just might be able to make their financial lives a little better then vote for the party that can't seem to get anything substantial done due to the lack of will to fight hard for change. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/election-2022-party-switchers_n_62b9ad0ee4b06594c1e76604

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I agree with you. Not so much the article attached. Doesn't feel like a dire warning for affiliation switching. More so these old rusty, praying farts. Dangerous

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Yes. I can say this partly because I am 71 years old: The Dem leadership is TOO F...ing OLD! I'm certainly not ageist--Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, etc. But Dems have got to put new, younger faces forward. Period. Biden is a good man and is handling some things well, but inspiring he is not. It is maddening.

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We're the same age ssssshhhh. Numerically. I may be stuck in Peter Pan Syndrome though. Feel more like Joan Jett most of the time.

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Oh yeah. On the inside I'm with you. It's just the outside of me that is showing some wear...

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Red Orchestra: The Story of the Berlin Underground and the Circle of Friends Who Resisted Hitler. New York: Random House, 2009.

Anne, journalist, author, playwright, and professor, rocks.

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I think about people like this a lot. There are so many examples of people who have, and are still today, fighting Authoritarian Rule. People become extremely creative and adaptive in their fight for Survival. POW survivors are another group to see this phenomenon. I have read quite a few biographies of people who have fled North Korea. Different circumstances for each country/situation, but overall same theme on Human Survival. I will look into Red Orchestra.


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Ari Melber is covering SC bullshite right now. Oh and Jim more vids like this. (daily?)

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AOC is your ally

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They’re coming in fast. Fight back.

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