The Wizard of Incels and his Satanic Sorcerer are Super Mad
I feel like a Muggle in a rejected script for Harry Potter: New Jersey
True story:
A sadistic troll named Fredrick Brennan who grew up attacking people online founded, owned and operated the largest incel website called WizardChan which is devoted to the hatred of women. Then he created a website called 8chan for the misogynistic online cult GamerGate and was its primary cheerleader. GamerGate radicalized a generation of young white men by “redpilling” them against women.
When GamerGate started to successfully radicalize people at scale, the troll sold his website to a sociopathic ex-Army pig farmer in the Philippines, moved there and attracted white supremacists and antisemites to 8chan by writing a pro-eugenics article in the Daily Stormer.
8chan soon became the hub for the most dangerous content on earth, including child pornography, gangstalking, swatting, QAnon, and neo-nazi mass murders and manifestos. Milo, Weev, Cernovich and Breitbart / Steve Bannon took 8chan and the troll under their wing and amplified GamerGate which metastasized into the “alt-right.” The troll helped promote and support QAnon until the pig farmer stopped paying him in late 2018.
The troll got mad at the pig farmer because of money and suddenly became anti-Q. He started a new cult called “Q Slayers” with a bunch of Chapo Traphouse trolls, fake journalists, right wing chaos agents and anonymous ops. He convinced a far-left documentary filmmaker to cooperate with a false narrative about “Q” and enforced the story on social media using targeted harassment.
In 2020, the troll and his allies became angered with me and my work investigating Mike Flynn and QAnon, because it deviated from their story. He cooperated with a number of dangerous operatives, including a Satanic cult leader named Jason Miller pretending to be a “sorcerer” wielding “black magick” to infiltrate and destroy my volunteer group called Thinkin Project early last year. Then they focused on attacking me personally until they successfully mass reported me off of Twitter.
Amazingly, the troll managed to sell his transparently false story about Q to the New York Times last week.
When I exposed the Satanic cult leader’s Twitter LARP yesterday, the incel troll became panicked and enraged. He DMed and tweeted at a friend of mine that I am crazy, and tagged many of the people that helped him and the Satanic cult leader destroy my volunteer group — including the “journalist” that wrote a hit piece on me in Vice News, chaos agent Matt Donovan, psychotic troll Jan Bobrowicz, as well as foreign agent, failed blogger and weaponized troll KassandraSeven.
The Satanic cult leader, who has apparently misappropriated the handle of the volunteer group he destroyed a year ago, is now larping as some sort of “knowledgeable source” using the volunteer group’s stolen handle and making things up out of thin air.
Meanwhile on his other account, the Satanic cult leader is selling his book written by his “dear friend” who is actually him. This book is supposed to provide a way to protect yourself from “magical attacks.” 🙄
Anyway, perfectly normal. How was your day? 😂
Hahaha, amazing as ever Jim, if not the best. Hope you're doing okay. Hang in there. You will win in the end (on top of winning at the moment)
As always great work Jim. I lost a friend to gamergate, now he calls himself a Proud Boy.