This is why the SCOTUS relaxed gun laws 2 weeks before the 4th of July, to give the psycho’s plenty of time to ‘tool up’.

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I'm so tired of being angry. Hopelessness is certainly setting in as the radical right marches on against democracy while the Dems dither and fain their usual surprise.

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Jul 4, 2022·edited Jul 4, 2022

I spent a lot of time in Highland Park in my college days. It was where my roommate's family lived. It is really a lovely town. No one lives there presently that I personally know, but my heart aches for those affected: both in the town and surrounding areas, not to forget the rest of the US.

We don't have any details as yet on motive, etc. but it is concerning there's a very high percentage of Jewish people as well as an area in HP and in an adjacent town that is heavily immigrant Latino, many of whom were expected to be at the parade today.

I was raised in a conservative Catholic family by an authoritarian-type father. Frankly I am glad he is not with us any longer with everything going on the last few years. He was a lifetime NRA member and certified instructor, dealing in collectors' firearms for the most part. For a number of years, he ran the largest "purist" gun show in the world. It had an emphasis on historical education and they had a competition for the best and most informative displays. Also Western/Native American art and related.

I have lost half my family to the Drumpf cult as it is and it would have been salt in the wound to lose him to it as well.

I know it is likely to get even worse in this country before it gets better and it scares the living bejeebus out of me.

[P.S. I own no firearms by choice.]

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Thank you for this clarity.

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