As far a Flynn goes. The same direction. Political Pamphleteering. Prophets and Profits. Things like getting commercials like Faith Hope and Freedom on the Local News to celebrate the Fourth of July.

He knows it is counterintuitive to Faith Hope and Charity. He is resolved in his belief and actions that it is good to change the words of Jesus while he says he is working to revitalize Judeo-Christian. Actually a slap the slap in the face to Jesus to anyone to change another person’s words.

Mike Flynn is a Political Pampleteer. He is no Thomas Paine. And is absolutely no John Milton.

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“from sence of injur’d merit” - Paradise Lost

When someone launders who they are believe them. That is Mike Flynn.

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“I feel like I’m through the looking glass.” David Shedd. That is what Flynn does. That is his Alice in Wunderkind methodology. It is treasonous.

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Voting means using your real name on social media. That is the Public Square of our Democracy.

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Atrocity Propaganda goes back to the DIA. Trump would have been in the know on that when entering the Cambridge Analytica GOP Primary in 2015. A built in Launder in Influence Narratives (ODNI assessment) Cyber Command.

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John Heilemann Denver Riggleman interview was good. Two part.

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Profits and Prophets those were my words. My assessment in 2016.

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Being a Saint is tough work.

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Thank you Denver for cover. I do expect that Single Malt.

I’m exhausted with Big Foot. We just had another new shop show up down the road.

I have done this since 2010. Pretty much filling the span of 21 May 2010 to present. My work began in April.

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Damn much longer than that. I rolled in to Tucson about the same time as Bannon. Perhaps a bit before.

I hope you get to be on the new Belmont Commission.

If our country really realized we have Saints everyone would watch the January 6 Committee Hearings. The House Select Committee Investigations have always gathered our Saints.

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I wanted to follow up on Hifi’s question. Who else was involved in Iran-Contra? Michael Leeder.

This helps with wrapping the mind around Trump telegraphing that the Republican Congressman were going to help him with the rest of overturning the election.

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Hey Judy. I find it so encouraging when people reflect back to Thursday. Two days ago. Getting bombarded with fifty fucking new threads is a bit trying.

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I blasted it all over Twitter before the first J6 and I am already “advertising” for the next. People need to watch. Trump watched it as well as the insurrection gang because he was having a meltdown…so was Marge! Made me so happy. And Fanni Willis is zeroing in on RICO charges for Trump. She says she will have charging decision June 30th by the grand jury.

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