How to Prevent "GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock GOP worship of dictators

❤️ Promote moral organizations

❤️ Actions by everyone creates freedom


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It took me awhile to realize there were multiple avatars of you. I have to say all are very cool. Each version fits you perfectly: badass and fierce. Artist did a great job.

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Recently, I decided to stop going on twit. The bots are annoying as fuck. So, I will be only on my personal FB page, reposting your substacks to inform my followers what is really going on in this World. Thank you for your efforts to keep us informed. It is truly invaluable and I appreciate the extent to which you continue to fight the GOOD FIGHT!

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The connections between the epithet "StewAnon" and BlueAnon and QAnon can't be either a coincidence or a stroke of luck; has to be intentional.

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