We Need a Revolution, Our System is Broken
The reality of our situation is being intentionally concealed
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“What happened to my sister?”
“I visited my mother and I don’t recognize her.”
“My best friend thinks I’m a pedophile. WTF?”
Every day, I hear versions of the same story—people traumatized by the loss of a loved one to an alternate reality created by psychological warfare. People deserve answers and accountability. We’re getting neither.
This ocean of trauma—experienced by families, friends, churches and entire communities split apart by weaponized propaganda and psyops—is misrepresented by the press, ignored by the government, and misunderstood by the vast majority of the public. This is real loss, real grief and real consequences. But it’s hardly ever even acknowledged.
Instead of accountability, real information or any action, we get Hunter Biden propaganda from the DOJ and the mainstream media.
The failure of our institutions to protect us from a foreign enemy nation-state and its American assets is at the root of our national and global crisis of sanity. In short, we are at war and no one is being honest about it.
The Kremlin has been waging asymmetric warfare aka “active measures” aka psychological warfare on America for many decades, but since 2016 we’ve been targeted by psychological operations from traitors inside the U.S.
The reason people “don’t recognize” their own family and friends is that they have been captured by a death cult created by psyops with the end goal of subverting American democracy—to benefit a war criminal attacking our allies in Europe.
The media, the White House, Congressional Democrats, and the military have all failed to explain this reality—despite the fact that it is explainable. They continue to pretend this is just another election and that all of this can be handled through the political system. That will never work on its own.
We cannot simply outvote a militant death cult, although outvote it we must.
Psychological warfare is not politics. Tens of millions of brainwashed Americans are not “Republicans,” they are “digital soldiers” in a foreign-backed fifth column. They are casualties of war. Until the government and the press decides to be honest with American citizens and explain what has happened to the people we care for, our situation will continue to deteriorate.
We must collectively understand the actual problem if we ever hope to implement solutions to it:
In its quest to create a new Soviet Empire, the Kremlin compromised American traitors who worked with Russian military intelligence to execute psychological operations directed at innocent civilians.
These psyops include Pizzagate, QAnon, Big Lie, anti-vax/anti-mask, and stoking the exponential rise of antisemitism & overt Nazism.
The truth of the matter is that we are under attack—and the people who took an oath to defend us from enemies foreign and domestic won’t even acknowledge it’s happening. We’re 33 months after the most public crime in history, and we still haven’t done a single thing to stop it from continuing.
If Jack Smith doesn’t pull a rabbit out of a hat soon and bring charges against Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and Roger Stone, our generation will have presided over the failure of the American experiment. But just the fact that we are yet again relying on a single person to determine our fate, like Mueller before him, is an indictment of our system.
We have a supermajority of christofascist cult members on SCOTUS. One of our two party system is a death cult. Our justice system cannot dispense justice.
The system is broken. We need a revolution of sanity and empathy, and a restructuring of our institutions. I’m sad to say I’ve got no faith in them anymore.
Arrest Mike Flynn.
"In the walls of the cubicle there were three orifices...and in the side wall, within easy reach of Merrick's arm, a large oblong slit protected by a wire grating."
America has always been in denial about its vulnerabilities. We don't want to deal with our problem with guns, and we ignored the opioid epidemic for years. We still "remember 9/11" but refused the self-reflection necessary to understand it. I think the foot dragging over Donald Trump has come in large part because we don't want to admit to either ourselves or anyone else that a president/former president can be a criminal, let alone a traitor.
It's also frightening to see how easily a cult can form, and how vulnerable we are to the alluring words of grifters, especially when those words tell us how we should feel towards our government (one thing the cults have done is to turn people against their own best interests), saying we've been betrayed and forgotten. Ironic that such words would be credible coming from a rich man who has exploited and screwed over working class Americans for decades.
Everywhere I look I see Democrats who think all we need to do is "vote blue." That's not going to get rid of MAGA, Q-Anon and the other cults out there. It's not going to persuade anyone away from fascism, which is growing. There is no effort being made to reach a modicum of sanity, perhaps because the project is so daunting.