Read on the order of the nine angles. This group of "traditionalist" satanists are known terrorists. They work along side Aleksandr Dugin and his *Chaos Agents* (i made that one up but it fits). They're trying to push the world to the utter edge of chaos. It's like an orchestra going on. He released this map like 10 days before the ukrain invasion. check uout the USA https://www.reddit.com/r/Maps/comments/a1cw2x/a_map_of_the_plans_laid_out_in_aleksandr_dugins/

these guys are going to go all NWO on us.


I have some plans. I concieved of a Qannon meme #11Q11 . I feel its perfect for 2022. it's a prayer from the dead sea scrolls about dispelling evil and the illusions of the devil. I think It'd be quite poetic to waking these people up to Dugin's manipulaitons of the zheitgheist. send me a DM if you care to help magnify it.

Men like Jim & Ron Watkins and Flynn we can clean up along side this whole mess.

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oh btw when we are done with this. i would like Fred Brennan to discuss with us his perspective on Eugenics. I feel since he started this we should address his core motivatoins. I would like him to have the finale.

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I could not give a shit about anything Fred Brennan has to say. He’s one of the most harmful sociopathic sadists in internet history. He should be in prison not behind a microphone.

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i really totally agree with you. His incel movement killed so many. I told him in our private conversations that he was going to have to pay for his crimes. But none the less his words are critical to the discussions at hand. I would think one of the progenitors of this Chaos, that his words have an actual weight. I pitty him.

You know what's worse, i knew as many others that his LARP was killing people and we didnt' do a damn thing to stop it. I feel like trash for that. I honestly do. i"m sorry.

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you know the weirdest thing, the only real evidence of anything is our vague memories of anonymous posters. i used to do LARP's in the 90's for Vampire the Masquerade. I never thought people would believe such outlandish stories as Q-annon. I would post my real life and no one would believe it. It's a silly world.

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As of now the contact tracing follows natural since. Usually viruses like this don't automatic appear with out some larger detection coming from a host country, in what is so far only the western world.

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since when does it follow natural routes? it’s incredibly spread out with clusters having no known connections and this is like a 2 week window total since we started seeing cases. it doesn’t spread when asymptomatic. so something is very different about this bug, in its infection and/or transmission vectors.

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