Read on the order of the nine angles. This group of "traditionalist" satanists are known terrorists. They work along side Aleksandr Dugin and his *Chaos Agents* (i made that one up but it fits). They're trying to push the world to the utter edge of chaos. It's like an orchestra going on. He released this map like 10 days before the ukrain invasion. check uout the USA https://www.reddit.com/r/Maps/comments/a1cw2x/a_map_of_the_plans_laid_out_in_aleksandr_dugins/

these guys are going to go all NWO on us.


I have some plans. I concieved of a Qannon meme #11Q11 . I feel its perfect for 2022. it's a prayer from the dead sea scrolls about dispelling evil and the illusions of the devil. I think It'd be quite poetic to waking these people up to Dugin's manipulaitons of the zheitgheist. send me a DM if you care to help magnify it.

Men like Jim & Ron Watkins and Flynn we can clean up along side this whole mess.

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As of now the contact tracing follows natural since. Usually viruses like this don't automatic appear with out some larger detection coming from a host country, in what is so far only the western world.

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