Crimo seems to be a fan of Jack Ruby.

Ruby was a Jewish homosexual conservative, who shot an innocent left-wing Marxist.

I think this is the parallel between Crimo and Ruby.

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Someone on Twitter identified it as a runic symbol of Odun - "It is a bronze age symbol that is found in many cultures and is symbolic of fertility (male & female) and seen as a ward against evil" https://twitter.com/MalcontentmentT/status/1544123966020718592

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Here is another possibility: It is an Apotropaic symbol (supposedly having the power to avert evil influences or bad luck) known as the "Cross of Endlessness" and represents eternity. Also a Gordian knot. https://twitter.com/bookhisattva/status/1544167613214892033

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The endless cross symbolises eternity, but also protection because it forms a never-ending line, and other shapes which are formed from a never-ending line were used as demon traps, to entrap any evil spirit or demon, etc, trying to enter a building, because it is thought that an evil entity would become infatuated with the puzzle, and end up transfixed forever. https://apotropaicethiopia.wordpress.com/2019/03/06/the-cross-of-endlessness-wind-chimes/

They also represent the Christian cross and hence Christ, so therefore invoke the protection of God.

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Also this: "Suomen Sisu is a Finnish nationalist movement which objects to the current multiculturalist and globalist tendencies and supports the preservation of national states and European heritage...Our emblem is the käpälikkö (⌘, Bowen knot, St. John arms), styled in an octagon. In Finland, the symbol was painted or carved on houses and barns, and on domestic utensils such as tableware, to protect them and their owners from evil spirits and bad luck. The symbol appears on a number of old objects in Northern Europe. The oldest surviving example is a pair of 1000-year-old (Finnish pre-Christian period) wooden skis decorated with the symbol (wikipedia). Colors of the emblem are not specified and Suomen Sisu uses several colorisations." https://www.suomensisu.fi/introduction-to-suomen-sisu-english/

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As mentioned above, might be a variation of St John's Knot (Knot of the Apocalypse) https://www.indaginiemisteri.it/en/2020/08/31/the-st-johns-knot-and-the-knot-of-the-apocalypse/

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Other variations of the Bowen knot including the one he was using (coat of arms of German origin). Note: Surname Crima seems to be Italian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bowen_knot

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"The oldest of the currently active fascist organizations in Finland is Suomen Sisu – “the Finnish Sisu”, sisu referring to a kind of determination or hardiness supposedly part of the Finnish national character." https://varisverkosto.com/2018/12/what-is-suomen-sisu/

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Yeah, I think this is the one.

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