Catholic Coup: JD Vance, PayPal Mafia, Opus Dei & Knights of Malta
It’s not Dan Brown, it’s real life, and it’s time to get serious about it.
The installation of J.D. Vance, 39-year old author of “Hillbilly Elegy,” as the GOP Vice Presidential candidate has generated significant questions on both ends of the political spectrum — for good reason. With the failing condition of Donald Trump, and Trump’s near-assassination, it is clear that if the Republican Party seizes power again there is a high likelihood Vance will become President of the United States.
So why would Trump pick a junior Senator from Ohio with the unique achievement of being the only Vice Presidential candidate in history to get a “negative bump” in popularity from exposure at a major party’s convention?
Peter Thiel.
Thiel and his long-time partners Robert and Rebekah Mercer funded J.D. Vance’s Senate campaign in 2020. Thiel personally gave $15 million to Vance’s Senate PAC. Around the same time, Vance and Thiel invested in small Canadian video website Rumble — which has since evolved into a massive Russian propaganda distribution network publicly traded on the NASDAQ.
Just the year before, in 2019, JD Vance converted to Catholicism, after being a self-described atheist who had “convinced myself I was gay.” He cited Peter Thiel as the reason for his radical change in ideology, and for his religious conversion. Vance wrote that the “most important event in my time as a law student at Yale” was a talk by Peter Thiel in 2011. Vance became enchanted with Thiel’s muse, French philosopher René Girard — who proposed a theory of “mimetic rivalry” along with the idea of a universal “scapegoat myth.”

Girard’s theories are founded in the concept of mimesis, which postulates that apocalyptic violence in humans is the natural and inevitable consequence of society without religion, and that the only way to avoid this fate is theocracy. Thiel says Girard’s followers at Stanford were “cult-like.”

Girard’s ideas were developed by Thiel and his acolytes into the concept of “memetic warfare” as written in a 2015 paper by Thiel venture capitalist, white nationalist Jeff Giesea who weaponized “memes” as the manager of “MAGA3X” during the 2016 election, with Hillary Clinton as the “scapegoat.” Note the collaboration with Thiel minion, neo-Nazi Chuck Johnson, who is closely connected to Matt Gaetz.
When Thiel asserted in 2009 that he “no longer believes freedom and democracy are compatible” — and cited women’s suffrage as part of the reason — it’s because he believes, as Girard did, that a patriarchal, theocratic autocracy is required for a stable society. This is echoed in Vance’s recent comments that childless women “have no stake” in elections.
To this end, Thiel and his allies, including Russia and other foreign adversaries, are conspiring with a group of elite “Christian nationalists” to impose a regressive, theocratic vision on America by infiltrating and seizing control of the US government. This Christian coup is multi-denominational, but Catholicism, with 2 billion followers, requires special attention.
Catholic Coup
For many decades, a virulent strain of “traditionalist” Catholicism has partnered with America’s enemies, foreign and domestic, in a shared project to take control of the United States.
This attempted Catholic coup has been accelerating through a deliberate infiltration of the judiciary led by Leonard Leo, a member of both Opus Dei and Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) aka Knights of Malta (KOM) — extremist Catholic cults which have traditionally functioned as the long-arms of the Vatican. Both of these groups have been stripped of some official powers by Pope Francis in recent years, but it hasn’t made them any less dangerous.

Leo installed two-thirds of the judges on the “Supreme Cult,” an organized crime ring working for theocrats and oligarchs masquerading as the highest court in the United States. Five of Leo’s hand-picked Justices are extremist Catholics.
The last two years of decisions by SCOTUS have left no doubt that its purpose is not to interpret the Constitution, but to shred it — specifically, to eliminate the Establishment Clause, the first ten words of the Bill of Rights which guarantees freedom from religion. The Founders specifically designed the US government to prevent America from becoming a “Christian nation” again — which is the ultimate goal of the coup plotters.
The fascist acrobatics of Dobbs, legalizing machine guns five months before the election, making the president a king, and seizing massive amounts of power for themselves is not the behavior of a court, it’s acting as designed by Catholic lunatic Leonard Leo — as a battering ram against the rights of American citizens.
Opus Dei
It was recently revealed that Heritage head and Project 2025 leader Kevin Roberts, who threatened the “left” with violence if they don’t submit to his plans, has “close ties” with Opus Dei. This is very significant, and very frightening.
Opus Dei is largely misunderstood as a group of albino weirdos that whip themselves, courtesy of Dan Brown’s novels and movies. While it is true that some members self-flagellate, it’s hardly the darkest part of their history.
Opus Dei was founded in Spain by Josemaria Escriva under fascist Francisco Franco, who overthrew a young constitutional democracy during the Spanish Civil War and installed himself as Spanish dictator for over three decades. Escriva was a member of the fascist Falangist Movement and took a job in the Francoist dictatorship.
Escriva was also known to be a Nazi-sympathizer and a Holocaust-denier who supported Latin American fascist dictators Augusto Pinochet and Alberto Fujimori.
One of the people who lived with Escriva in Spain and learned under him was a young priest named Arne Panula. After Escriva’s death, as head of the Opus Dei house at Stanford University in the 1980s, Arne Panula, then in his mid-40s, met a young, gay undergraduate at Stanford who was the president of the Federalist Society. His name was Peter Thiel. They remained “close friends” until Panula’s death.
Panula went on to head Opus Dei in America, ran Opus Dei’s K-street lobby Catholic Information Center (CIC) and founded the theocratic Leonine Forum. Leonard Leo was on the boards of both the CIC and Leonine Forum.
Opus Dei has been associated with numerous illegal operations including the worst spy in American history, Opus Dei member and FBI agent Robert Hanssen, who stole documents and passed them to the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence agency, for many years. At the time, an Opus Dei member, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, who previously lived with Escriva and Panula, was the official spokesman for the Vatican with an office just feet from the Pope John Paul II — who made fascist theocrat Josemaria Escriva a saint.
The FBI Director when Hanssen was caught, Louis Freeh, was also an Opus Dei member who was fired by Bush and went on to represent Russian oligarchs.
While Opus Dei denies that Bill Barr is a member, he spoke to the CIC, and has had numerous connections to Opus Dei operatives over the years — while embarking on a decades-long career of covering up for criminal conspiracies.
Bill Barr covered up the Iran-Contra Affair for Bush as Attorney General and diverted public attention away from the crimes of Ronald Reagan and former OSS officer Jack Singlaub, Mike Flynn’s mentor, who was deeply involved.
Bill Barr’s father Donald Barr, notably also a former OSS officer, gave a young, unqualified Jeffrey Epstein his first job with access to kids at a private school.
When Bill Barr was hired by Trump, he unrecused himself from the Epstein case and took it over. Jeffrey Epstein ended up dead in prison, after a series of “mistakes” by the DOJ.
Bill Barr intentionally misrepresented the Mueller Report and destroyed any chance of justice for the theft of the 2016 election by the Russian government and American collaborators.
Jack Singlaub wrote a letter to Bill Barr on behalf of Dame of Malta Phylls Schlafly’s Eagle Forum in February 2020 advocating for Mike Flynn. Bill Barr dropped felony charges on Flynn three months later.
Jack Singlaub was an “anti-communist” who founded the non-profit “America’s Future” in 1946 because he thought the wrong side won the war in WWII. Singlaub was involved in many illicit activities and helped create the John Birch Society, Western Goals, and the World Anti-Communist League (WACL) which were all neo-fascist, “anti-communist” organizations aimed at returning America to its “Judeo-Christian values” aka back to a white theocratic ethnostate.
Singlaub was deeply connected to the Knights of Malta and gifted America’s Future to Mike Flynn just before his death in 2021.
Knights of Malta
There are less than 15,000 Knights of Malta worldwide, but SMOM has official diplomatic relations with more 100 countries, has a permanent observer seat at the UN, and operates as its own quasi-nation-state. It considers itself a group of spiritual warriors still fighting the Crusades while it pretends to be a benevolent international charity.
However, its “charity work” has been plagued with accusations of pedophilia and child-trafficking, most recently in Ireland.
SMOM is descended from the Hospitallers who were supposedly the humanitarian arm of the Christian Crusades — which were really bands of violent lunatics roaming around Europe trying to eliminate Muslims and Jews — a thousand years ago. SMOM are not the same as the Knights Templar, who were the military arm of the Crusades, but they are often conflated. And while there are a surprising number of peripheral organizations that claim to be Knights Templar and/or Knights of Malta, SMOM is the “official” Vatican-approved operation.
Here are a few confirmed members of the Order of Malta, although their membership list is largely secret:
Erik Prince — Blackwater
Paul Behrends — Rohrabacher, Blackwater
Joseph Schmitz — Defense Department IG, Blackwater
William Casey — Director of the CIA for Reagan, Manhattan Institute
Alexander Haig — Secretary of State for Reagan
William Donovan — Founder of the OSS, co-founder of the CIA
Leonard Leo — Federalist Society, Opus Dei, installed six SCOTUS Justices
Phyllis Schlafly (Dame) — CNP, Eagle Forum, Flynn family friend
Gen. Stanley McChrystal — Flynn’s boss in Afghanistan
Cardinal Raymond Burke — Steve Bannon/Vigano ally
Franz von Papen — Nazi who resigned the chancellorship to Hitler
Jimmy Savile — Convicted pedophile
Saad Habba — US Chancellor of SMOM, Alina Habba’s father
Here’s a video from 2010 by Keith Olbermann describing Erik Prince’s connections to “Christian nationalist” groups, including the Order of Malta and the Council for National Policy (CNP). Prince’s Blackwater terrorists, under the direction of Mike and Charles Flynn, commanded by Stanley McChrystal, murdered Muslims for sport in vehicles named “Templar.”
In 1991, Erik Prince, whose parents were both past presidents of the CNP, was interning in Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s office when he met Paul Behrends, Rohrabacher’s Chief of Staff, who was a Knight of Malta. Erik Prince, like JD Vance, converted to Catholicism the next year, in 1992. Rohrabacher became the most reliably pro-Putin congressman, and Behrends became a notorious international operative who died just before J6 of “blunt force head trauma.”
Opus Dei operative Bill Barr was good friends with Knight of Malta William Casey, Reagan’s CIA Director, who also founded the racist propaganda organization Manhattan Institute, as well as Dame of Malta Phyllis Schlafly — a female Knight — who was an antifeminist, anticommunist, antiabortion crusader partnered with Mike Flynn’s mother Helen to take away women’s rights in the 60s and 70s.
Jack Singlaub promoted Phyllis Schlafly from America’s Future through the 80s and 90s while he was executing Iran-Contra. Most recently, Mike Flynn has used America’s Future to launder money for Big Lie “fraudits” and “CyberNinjas,” mobilized Q anons with Pizzagate fiction in swing States, and filed amicus briefs with SCOTUS to legalize machine guns and make the President a king.
This 1985 document from CIA’s FOIA archive is very relevant. It describes the cooperation of SMOM, OSS (pre-CIA), and Nazi Germany in WWII — and the subsequent cooperation of Reagan’s CIA, under Knight of Malta William Casey, and SMOM, to execute Iran-Contra.
Jack Singlaub was involved in both illegal operations, four decades apart.
As noted by Dave Troy on X, “Covert Action” was a KGB-aligned operation designed to attack the CIA, which is not a monolith. The information in the document should be seen in that context. However, there is secondary proof for everything quoted from it in this article.
In 1943, the OSS wanted Roosevelt to make Knight of Malta, Nazi Franz von Papen to be the post-Hitler fuhrer, a request denied by Roosevelt who demanded the OSS stop communicating with the Nazis, as soon as he found out. The OSS, including Singlaub and Donald Barr, and then the CIA, worked with SMOM to exfiltrate Nazis from Germany to work for the United States, and escape to other countries.
70 years later, the Knights Templar and Knights of Malta have been used as rationales for mass murder by a number of neo-Nazi terrorists, including Anders Breivik — who murdered 80 people in Norway in 2011, and Brenton Tarrant who slaughtered 51 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand mosques in 2019.
Breivik claimed to have been authorized by the “Knights Templar” for his massacre.

Tarrant had several symbols specifically connected to the Knights of Malta on his shotgun, below compared to a quote from Knight of Malta Cardinal Raymond Burke.

Last month, Pope Francis, who seems to be zeroing in on this group of radical fascists in the Vatican, took the highly unusual step of of excommunicating the former top Catholic in the United States Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, for schism. This means the Pope found that Vigano was no longer a follower of the Catholic Church but someone who wanted to destroy it.
In 2020, according to Mike Flynn, Vigano became Flynn’s “personal priest.” A week before the election that year, both Flynn and “Q” posted a pro-Trump letter from Vigano almost simultaneously. Ever since, Vigano has become more and more radical, including a recent “sermon” that included “Pizzagate” references. He is also a blatant Russian agent, including being a speaker at “Russophile” conferences with Aleksandr Dugin in Moscow.
Vigano previously worked with Knight of Malta Raymond Burke and Steve Bannon who tried to set up a fascist paramilitary training camp at a monastery in Italy.
Theocracy is a Tool of Fascists
Peter Thiel and JD Vance’s adoption of René Girard as a rationale for playing God and attempting to impose radical Christian theocracy on the world “for our own good,” is the consequence of a world in which psychopathy and messianic narcissism are lavishly rewarded. The “PayPal Mafia,” of which Vance is effectively the mascot, believe they are so much more intelligent and powerful than everyone else they are entitled to destroy the world in order to rebuild it in their own images.
This is not unlike “Positive Christianity” a bastardized version of Christianity imposed by Hitler on Nazi Germany. In his initial radio address to Germany after seizing power he said the Reich would protect Germany as a “Christian nation.” He did not mention “Jews” in that speech but instead raged at “Bolsheviks” and “communists” — the same false accusations being wielded by Republicans at Democrats, today.
It’s Not Religion
On a personal note, I just returned from a funeral — a beautiful, loving ceremony for a wonderful person. It was a Christian Orthodox ceremony in a Lutheran Church. I was honored to be there, moved by the pastor, and as an atheist, did not feel the least bit uncomfortable. The loving Jesus Christ I heard about today has nothing to do with the depraved ideology that’s being hoaxed on people by frauds and oligarchs.
The problem is not with religion, or Christianity, or Catholicism. It’s with people who use the beliefs of others to hoax them into self-destruction.
We should not be afraid to call out the difference. And we’d better soon, because this Catholic Coup is nearing completion.
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Thank you for this! It’s fascinating information, but terribly frightening as well. I am a former Catholic. Our son informed us at age 10 that he was Atheist. We didn’t need a lot of convincing to agree. That was 30 years ago.
Excellent read! Thank you, Jim, for this historical tour de force that really ties up a lot of loose ends! I have known about a many of these sinister characters but was not sure exactly how they all connected together. As a former Catholic, who supported Vatican II, I watched the ultra-reactionary right-wing of the Catholic church first trash and then bury Vatican II to the detriment of the Church. Since then, misogyny and pedophilia have run rampant in the Church; and Catholic fascists like Vigano and Flynn have rushed in to fill the spiritual and ethical void. This thorough and thoughtful analysis is very helpful and needs to be shared widely, which I will do!