Nr 3 on News of today, aug 7 💪

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How to Prevent "GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

❤️ Discredit totalitarian propaganda everywhere

🤣 Mock GOP worship of dictators

❤️ Promote moral organizations



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The Mueller Report p500

"Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.. through two operations. First.. a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.. Second.. intrusion operations against.. Clinton.. and then released stolen documents."

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Excellent read! Thank you, Jim, for this historical tour de force that really ties up a lot of loose ends! I have known about a many of these sinister characters but was not sure exactly how they all connected together. As a former Catholic, who supported Vatican II, I watched the ultra-reactionary right-wing of the Catholic church first trash and then bury Vatican II to the detriment of the Church. Since then, misogyny and pedophilia have run rampant in the Church; and Catholic fascists like Vigano and Flynn have rushed in to fill the spiritual and ethical void. This thorough and thoughtful analysis is very helpful and needs to be shared widely, which I will do!

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Thank you for this! It’s fascinating information, but terribly frightening as well. I am a former Catholic. Our son informed us at age 10 that he was Atheist. We didn’t need a lot of convincing to agree. That was 30 years ago.

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Looking for a link to the Zoom call today.

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Wow! Excellent. Will be sharing.

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OMG - Thank you Jim -- I'm absorbing this in segments. It's great that you talk about this on Rad Pod too as repetition is really helpful to take this all in.

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Wow! I love long, interesting reads like this. I learn so much from you. Thanks!

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Thanks Jim! This will be very helpful for part II of CNI's JD Vance psychological profile. Love the title. It sums up what my less researched thoughts were jumping to conclude.


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