On October 1st 2017, a gunman murdered 59 people and injured 500 more at a concert in Las Vegas. It was the largest mass shooting in modern American history.
You can’t murder that many people in a short time without weapons of war. The shooter in this case used a “bump stock” which converts a semi-automatic rifle like an AR-15 into a machine gun. From a window in a hotel room, the shooter was able to fire 800 rounds, hitting 400 people in 11 minutes.
After the massacre, even the bloodthirsty NRA agreed that bump stocks should be banned—and they were.
But the Supreme Court, in a comically acrobatic ruling written by criminal Clarence Thomas, chose to reverse laws written to ban bump stocks, making machine guns available to the general public before the election. To call this irresponsible is wrong. This is intentionally seeding the ground for mass violence and civil war.
As I wrote two years ago, the Dobbs decision was the signal that the Supreme Court is no longer an institution that wants to protect the Constitution and the citizens of the U.S., instead we have a rogue Branch of the government acting on behalf of oligarchs, theocrats and foreign dictators.
The decision to legalize machine guns before the election was aided and abetted by Mike Flynn’s money-laundering non-profit America’s Future which filed two amicus briefs to protect “God-given rights” to own weapons of mass slaughter.

Needless to say, this is deeply disturbing. You have to ask why Mike Flynn went out of his way to ensure anyone can go to a gun store, buy an AR-15, order a cheap bump stock and commit another Las Vegas.
Let me paint a scenario. Forgive me, it’s dark.
Biden wins the election, barely.
However, through coordinated active measures, fraud & lawfare, some states’ electoral votes are called into question. Cases go to the organized crime ring at SCOTUS who rules to decertify electors. This forces a “contested election” by lowering Biden’s count to under 270.
This would “throw the vote to the House” resulting in a byzantine & antiquated process that would almost certainly result in a Trump victory—after a protracted and likely violent constitutional crisis.
That’s the rosy outcome, I’m afraid.
Let’s say, somehow, by the skin of our teeth, we manage to eke out a victory despite all the fraud, Big Lies & active measures. That’s when the real nightmare begins. Trump will simply declare victory anyway. At that point, everyone in the US will have a personal choice: “Do I go along with the peaceful transition of power, or not?”
Consider in this scenario, what will Charles Flynn do? How many other generals are there who would see it as an opportunity to switch teams if given a chance? Does anyone think there are not commanders at Ft. Liberty/Bragg that would go south, just as an example?
How about “constitutional sheriffs” who have already pledged to fight the federal government if push comes to shove? How many of them are there?
This is not to mention the legions of boogaloo/anarchists, neo-Nazi paramilitaries & christofascist QAnon+ cults that have been swelling unabated for a decade and are chomping at the bit for “the Storm.”
On January 6th, 2021, a significant percentage of the violent insurrectionists were first responders, law enforcement, and military. They based their anger on absolutely nothing but made up conspiracy theories.
Imagine if there was a true constitutional crisis with a contested election, and Trump simply declared himself President on November 6th.
You won’t have to imagine it for much longer, because that’s exactly what he’ll do. This is the sort of thing real civil wars are made of.
I have been warning for many months that our collective failure of imagination may lead to our ruin. Mike Flynn has been traveling the country with insurrectionists deifying himself and trying to strong-arm his way into the vice presidential nomination through threats of assassination and demonstrations of loyalty.
The overwhelming evidence is that the Supreme Court is a white supremacist, theocratic cult trying to cause a civil war — or turn America into Gilead. They will do everything in their power to either elect Donald Trump or create a rift so deep we descend into chaos.
As you know, this is also Mike Flynn’s goal. This is existential to him and the dictator he works for, Vladimir Putin. Flynn has the House of Representatives, SCOTUS, the entire Republican Party and 40% of the population behind him.
In practical terms, the legalization of bump stocks itself may not have a huge effect on the ability of radicalized cult members to murder their neighbors, because there were already millions of them in circulation. But as a signal, the highest court in the land said to Flynn’s insurgency:
“We’re with you. If you need to take up arms to win, we’re not going to stop you.”
The rest of us, a dwindling majority, must start treating this for what it is, a coup, in action, right in front of us — with powerful air cover within the US Government.
For my small part, I will not abide by anything people that want to murder me “decide.” I declare my independence from this criminal Court and the fascist, theocratic insurgency sabotaging the American Experiment.
It’s time to fight, peacefully, but with courage and determination. We need marches, civil disobedience, and demands for action from our feckless law enforcement and justice system which has allowed this powder keg to grow.
We need a million of us in front of SCOTUS letting them know that we refuse to allow them to use their ill-gotten robes to take away our freedom. This Supreme Cult needs to be ripped out and rebuilt.
I keep almost all my content free but paid subscriptions keep me going. Please consider it if you haven’t. It’s going to be very intense over the next 8 months. I‘ll do my best to improve your situational awareness while we get through it.
I also have a DonorBox, if you prefer. And my legal defense fund is at stopmikeflynn.com.
Thanks for your support! 🙏💙🇺🇸
Yes. I have long thought that massive civil disobedience should be in the works. I think it was in order when Dobbs came down. It takes great bravery, I know, and it's easy to sit on the sidelines and call for such. But, just as with any great social movement--women's suffrage, civil rights, anti-war , etc.--people must rise up, organize, get in out in front of the courthouse where these traitorous robed cowards dwell, and be hauled off to jail if necessary. Easy for an oldster like me to ask such courage of others, but it must be done or the next generation will lose everything.
Yes, we have to think *beyond* voting! What will we do the day after, or the week or month after November 7? The Democratic Party, putative leaders in so many places, obviously have *no plan at all*!
Effective opposition to a fascist takeover needs to have some form of leadership or cooperative action.
The most obvious alternative leadership might be from the union or organized workers movement (in an AFL-CIO union or not.) With so many industries destroyed this leadership may not originate from “industrial unions,” the historical base of strength, but we’ll take leaders where we can find ‘em. 🤨