
Watching this is so confusing and devoid of rational congruence. Admire your patient explanation. It’s helpful but omg this too bizarre to believe. Thanks as always

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

"Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."

Image how that goes down when led by false prophets and false profits.

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So there was a speaker at this event who went after theosophy (at the 35 min mark of your video - the image of Blavatsky's personal seal), but Flynn surreptitiously leads crazy evangelicals in a prayer invoking seven-fold rays and archangels? That is so confusing. Has Flynn referenced the I AM/ascended masters stuff at other events or was it a one-time thing?

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Breathe & flow.

More like carry wood cut water.

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I presume Kim Clement was on video since he's dead. I guess he was famous for some vague mumbo jumbo that sounded sorta like a prophecy that Trump would become president. Argh! And you're right they don't care about the constitution, freedom, much less truth. Imagine being stupid enough to think that the fact there were clergymen in the first congress that somehow means the establishment clause doesn't mandate the separation of church and state. Fuck these bastards!

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Mike Flynn has similarities to General Edwin Walker, a far-right activist in the 60’s.

In 1959 Walker commanded 10,000 troops in Europe, and he violated the Hatch Act by radicalising troops with John Birch Society publications, then resigned his commission.

Also he was God Squad, and segregationist. He was arrested for inciting the riot at Mississippi University in 1962, trying to block black students from entering.

And at a Walker press conference in the 60’s, when a reporter asked a soft-medium ball question, Walker beat up the reporter.


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"And in what is becoming a trend, local clergy are speaking out to condemn the tour before it arrives in their town. That is the case in Virginia Beach, where a group called Faithful America has organized clergy and laity to call attention to the record of lies and Christian nationalism espoused on the tour.

This time, they’re lighting up their message with bright yellow billboards on three sides of a panel truck. One panel says to Eric Trump and Michael Flynn: “Stop twisting our faith to attack democracy.” The back panel quotes Matthew 7:15 which says, “Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

“Faithful America’s Christian members wholly reject General Flynn’s hijacking of the gospel to seize and hold power. Like the Christian nationalism it spreads, this tour is a dangerous and immoral political event that promotes misinformation, lies and even outright violence in Jesus’ name,” said Nathan Empsall, executive director of Faithful America." https://baptistnews.com/article/pastors-send-out-a-mobile-billboard-to-warn-virginia-beach-residents-of-this-weekends-reawaken-america-tour/#.YsvLJHbMKYg

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This is encouraging. Thanks for sharing.

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