You have really nailed it with this one, Jim! Amy Croney Barrett on the SCOTUS makes me shudder and the cult she is enmeshed in gives me the heebie jeebies! Why are so many Americans so vulnerable to these crazy cults?!
I remember as they were ramming her through, reading about her husband having dominion over her and thus, even if she believed one way, he could tell her to rule another. I don't know how true that is, but it certainly seems plausible. We're so f***ed.
I was swept up into the Jesus Freak Movement in Santa Ana, Orange County early 70's. Lots of burned out hippies were. Calvary Chapel, ruled by Chuck Smith in Costa Mesa, had a huge tent cult attended by thousands while their church was being built. Bible studies 7 days a week, all day. I lived in a Christian commune there. At the same time the New Age Guru Movement from India was infiltrating West Coast. One group called The Family, ruled by The Father, opened the first health food store and restaurant in LA. They fled to Hawai'i in the 80's and I knew them through their health food store in Kailua. There were also maniacs like chain smoking Jane Roberts who "channeled" an ancient entity named Seth and wrote many New Age books about IT. Pentecostal Movement in Detroit began with POC and little old Puerto Rican ladies dancing in the spirit. When the Charismatic Movement exploded in some Catholic Churches, I found it odd. I went to parochial schools most of my life. Mass every day. Catechism, Holy Communion (married to christ). The works! Could not read the bible. Priests job. Certainly couldn't prophesize. Blasphemy. So their embrace of singing in the spirit, laying on of hands and speaking in tongues was condemned by most back then. So here we are fifty years later. Fkn terrifying nut Jobs in our highest courts. I hate all religions. All of them
oh i do love me my crazy cults. "Gifts of prophecy" man, people can be superstitious and cowardly lot. I miss the good old days of my priest just hustling little old ladies. Now they're starting sex cults and trying to overthrown the US government. What a time to be alive!
You have really nailed it with this one, Jim! Amy Croney Barrett on the SCOTUS makes me shudder and the cult she is enmeshed in gives me the heebie jeebies! Why are so many Americans so vulnerable to these crazy cults?!
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I remember as they were ramming her through, reading about her husband having dominion over her and thus, even if she believed one way, he could tell her to rule another. I don't know how true that is, but it certainly seems plausible. We're so f***ed.
It’s hard to even stomach the current SCOTUS. 💔
In twitville right now @RonFilipkowski they’re roasting Navarro after his cute appearance on Natzi Carlson last night. One comment was MORE LEG IRONS!
I was swept up into the Jesus Freak Movement in Santa Ana, Orange County early 70's. Lots of burned out hippies were. Calvary Chapel, ruled by Chuck Smith in Costa Mesa, had a huge tent cult attended by thousands while their church was being built. Bible studies 7 days a week, all day. I lived in a Christian commune there. At the same time the New Age Guru Movement from India was infiltrating West Coast. One group called The Family, ruled by The Father, opened the first health food store and restaurant in LA. They fled to Hawai'i in the 80's and I knew them through their health food store in Kailua. There were also maniacs like chain smoking Jane Roberts who "channeled" an ancient entity named Seth and wrote many New Age books about IT. Pentecostal Movement in Detroit began with POC and little old Puerto Rican ladies dancing in the spirit. When the Charismatic Movement exploded in some Catholic Churches, I found it odd. I went to parochial schools most of my life. Mass every day. Catechism, Holy Communion (married to christ). The works! Could not read the bible. Priests job. Certainly couldn't prophesize. Blasphemy. So their embrace of singing in the spirit, laying on of hands and speaking in tongues was condemned by most back then. So here we are fifty years later. Fkn terrifying nut Jobs in our highest courts. I hate all religions. All of them
oh i do love me my crazy cults. "Gifts of prophecy" man, people can be superstitious and cowardly lot. I miss the good old days of my priest just hustling little old ladies. Now they're starting sex cults and trying to overthrown the US government. What a time to be alive!
Crazy, terrifying, outrageous! And unbelievable tha she would be sitting on SCOTUS.