Yeah, this really annoys me. I'm very VERY concerned about Biden Administration. And pretty much freaking out that everyone is acting like Biden will run again. DELUSION. They should be "grooming" a younger candidate, be it Harris or whoever. Honest to Pete! What is wrong with these people!?

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Seriously though... why IS DeJoy still there. I could swear a couple weeks ago we finally got the board members we needed to oust him. Anyone know WTF is going on?

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Out of touch plus failure to read the room is an unfortunate aspect of this event. DeJoy should have been fired by now, not awarded for undermining our democratic process. It’s disheartening to witness how near we are to losing our democracy as the band plays on.

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What a f**king abomination. Jill Biden is now permanently on my 💩 list. Let's all celebrate the hag wife of the second worst president of the United States whose administration set our country on the road that is ending in the destruction of the middle class by the corporate elite and the end of democracy. So nice to see that bastard Louis DeJoy, who Jill's husband should have already removed from the position lying Trump gave him to destroy and privatize the Post Office, will be there to gloat at the celebration of another radical right-wing icon. Those of us who lived through the corrupt Regan administration will never forget how they dithered and played with AIDS for their cheap "social issues" theatrics that the right uses instead of actually having a platform. Sorry but Biden and Democrats are useless, and the old fool probably still thinks by throwing this stupid bipartisan bone they will get that reaching of a hand across the aisle from Joe's old congressional buddies. The old fool seems to have forgotten he's a damn dinosaur all those old honorable men across the aisle he remembers working with are retired or dead and have been replaced by radical right fascists since the Tea Party was formed and who put the congress on the long road to being totally ineffectual. Biden and the DNC show us day by day that they haven't got a clue on how to reach the American people that are buying into Christofascism more and more thanks to never ending right wing propaganda and wishy-washy corporate media that doesn't want to rock the boat that may get progressives elected and possibly raise taxes on their billionaire owners. It will be interesting to see the look on Joe's face if we lose the House and his impeachment starts next year after the Republicans shut down the 1/6 commission and file it under the "fake news" category during their revenge tour starting in 2023. Impeachment and hearings against Democrats that didn't support the failed but ongoing insurrection is their only platform and they have been very clear about it. What a sad joke.

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