“Operation Z”: Russo-American Neo-Nazi ISIS
The coordination between the Kremlin and its American cutouts should be a break-glass moment.
Imagine 2,000 Muslims gather in a mosque in California. On stage is a series of extremist Imams, paramilitary trainers, and Sharia propagandists who praise Ayatollah Khameni.
They call for the end of America as we know it, to be replaced by a “government of Allah.”
They auction AR15s signed by Hamas.
They show ISIS beheading videos to the audience.
They point out specific Christian and Jewish leaders who are “evil” & shouldn’t be “allowed in the United States of America.”
They are explicitly racist against whites & demand violent action & “sacrifice.”
Leading this meeting is a retired military officer with a brother running the US Army Pacific.
Would the FBI or the military take notice? Would politicians and American citizens demand this be shut down?
Of course.
A Tent in the Middle of Nowhere
Nonetheless, last weekend 2,000 Americans went to Tulare, CA, deep in Central Valley farm country, to do exactly that — but this gathering was in a Christian church led by Mike Flynn. This was the 24th such stop on the “ReAwaken Tour” and by far the most frightening. [Xitter thread]
While these events have always been designed to radicalize participants, this was the first time they were provided with weapons to act out on the lies they’re brainwashed with. Leigh Dundas, a high-level Scientologist, and a dangerous cult leader auctioned weapons of mass death signed by herself and “General Flynn.”
Startlingly, Mike Flynn dropped all pretense about his alliances and his goals and said “in the cycles of history” there are “globalist elites who see the world very different than people like Milei… Orban… Trump… and President Putin.”
To make things crystal clear, Flynn says Putin “now has his eyes on collapsing the United States of America.”
Operation Z
Perhaps the most jaw-dropping moment came when Flynn introduced “Operation Z” which is about paying Gen Z youth (12-25) to “spread the truth,” ie. participate in Russian psychological operations.
Vladimir Putin puts the letter “Z” on all the equipment he uses on Ukraine, and calls his war crimes a “Special Military Operation.”
In the introduction video for “Operation Z,” after they spread vile transphobic propaganda using Russian state TV clips, a traumatized cult member cries “what’s gonna happen to the kids?”
Enter Mike Flynn — in uniform, which is against US Army protocol. This is how you create a cult. And a cult leader. You create trauma through coercive propaganda and then offer a false solution to it. Flynn talks about “digital soldiers” and “citizen journalists.” They scapegoat two Jews — Soros and Zuckerberg. This is a blatant operation to create the Hitler Youth.
Kremlin Issues Official Policy on Reptilians
Last week, a Kremlin-controlled St. Petersburg university issued a paper called “The Russian Family as the Basis of National Statehood.” [Russian PDF] One of the authors is a director of the FSB, the equivalent of the Russian CIA.
The “scientific paper” is a syncretic mixture of religion, nationalism and pseudo-science promoting the antisemitic “reptilians” theory that posits alien blood has infected Jews and others who have infiltrated Russia — and the world in general.
Essentially, the Kremlin is setting up “Russia vs. Reptilians” where “Reptilians” can be anyone they deem to be an enemy.

According to the Kremlin-approved paper:
“The majority of non-humans include Westerners, Asian migrants and supporters of democracy and liberalism.”
Note that Russian kids are being trained to kill “lizards” in video games.
Tucker’s UFO Fetish, Explained
On “Redacted,” an aggressively pro-Kremlin podcast, Mercer-funded neo-Nazi podcaster Tucker Carlson appeared to be running antisemitic “reptilian” psyops in concert with the Kremlin.
Carlson repeatedly alluded to “very, very, very dark,” “frightening” evidence of aliens but “not extraterrestrials” which makes it very clear where it’s going. The “reptilians” lie does not posit there are “aliens” but that alien blood has infected some of us.
Carlson says the United States has had evidence of aliens since the “1930s” which is significant to the Jewish/Nazi/Reptilian conspiracy theories pushed by people like British psychopath David Icke.
It’s important to note that the Kremlin is using this psychological operation to incentivize Russians to have many more “human” aka white children, which happens to be consistent with Elon Musk’s number one priority to create more white babies, including a recent stop in Italy to meet with its fascist leader Georgia Meloni.
Declaring certain people “human” while others are “inhuman” is the kind of thing which leads to genocides — which is the goal of neo-Nazis like Tucker Carlson, Vladimir Putin, Elon Musk and Mike Flynn.
Full Spectrum Psyops
It appears that the strategy of our enemies is to combine forces in the project to create a racial holy war by raising the intensity and volume of their psychological war machine across the full spectrum of propaganda.
Mike Flynn is diving full force into weaponizing Pizzagate.

Tucker Carlson and Roseanne Barr both entertained Flat Earth theories. There appears to be no bottom to how far they will take this.
This leads to the inevitable questions. How far does it go? What is the worst case scenario?
For context, this Russian military-run QAnon network has been promoting “Qperation Z” for at least 6 months. The goal of the operation is “denazification” of the world, including “killing reptilians.”

Shifting the Overton Window to the “Final Solution”
As a sign of things to come, disturbed propagandist Stew Peters went on Alex Jones to “debate” whether Israel & Jews should be exterminated, including a violent revolution in America.
Alex Jones: “Do you agree with Hitler? Real question.”
Stew Peters: “I agree with Putin.”
For some of this interview, Alex Jones played “devil’s advocate” to Stew Peters’ call to organize a paramilitary, revolutionary force against Jewish “infiltration” into the US government.
Yet, he kept it going for an hour. A “debate” about a new Holocaust. [Xitter Thread]
We’re being marched step-by-step to the Fourth Reich through Russian psychological warfare by a conspiracy of American traitors and foreign enemies.
Break glass, America. This is the real thing.
Remember when it would have been unimaginable to have QAnon in Congress, or “Great Replacement Theory” on the Republican debate stage? Why should it be unimaginable to start hearing about new pogroms in the United States? We’re already experiencing a slow Kristallnacht. What’s to slow it down now?
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Chilling nausea inducing and honestly terrifying-- thanks Jim for writing so clearly. (Also an element of the absurd that defines any logic.)
Please explain to me why the Feds do not/can not arrest these people. I mean all someone has to do is make a note threatening the president, bury it in an attic but if found, LE is able to swoop down jail that someone, for a very long time. Our democracy doesn’t have that protection?