30 years. It has been 30 years since a pair of kidnappings happened that garnered our attention in the US. One was local, and the other was more national. The local one, at least for me, was the Katie Beers kidnapping which lasted about 2 weeks and ended when John Esposito confessed to abducting her. I remember that time well because it happened close to where I live in Nassau County, New York on Long Island. And it was one of those cases where the victim is found, and people stop talking about it until years later. The national case was Polly Klass (1981-1993). Klass was kidnapped and then murdered within the span of an hour or so. However, it was not until Richard Allen Davis confessed to dumping her body two months after her death that the case was resolved.
Now here is the kicker. When Katie Beers left John Esposito’s lair on January 13, 1993, people came to realize that much of Beers’ family life was under the rubric of abuse. She left those relationships and has been in a better position ever since. With respect to Polly Klass, there is still the perception that the Klass household was loving and caring. And I suppose it was. Yet, on the day of Richard Davis's sentencing in 1996, he said that Polly Klass had said among her last words “just don’t do me like my dad.” Now, that has always been striking a chord with me. Because that implied an incestuous father-daughter relationship was taking place. One that was not transactional. Of course, nothing concrete has been documented, in part because of Polly Klass’ death. It just would not surprise me to have this theory made true. Having said that, we know that both women came from abusive households. Yet one was able to have a litany of people be aware about it and seek her release from captivity (Katie Beers), yet with Polly Klass the real terror lay within Klass house behind closed doors. Indeed, I had always wondered if Polly Klass willingly allowed her murder to happen as a way of having one final act of autonomy over her own being. We might never really know.
I point this out to you since the current iteration of the Republican Party has regretfully made child kidnapping a main pillar of their policies. In that, they keep mentioning the need to protect children and the proposals to send every child that is trafficked back to their homes. Well, not all homes of origin were and are a loving environment. And not all children who have been kidnapped and/or trafficked for sex would like to return to their homes. Plus, as we have known, the more conservatives make explicit their protestations on what they perceive as a lack of morality, the more obvious it is to me that these conservatives and Q/Trump/Flynn adherents are amongst the worst in abusing their own children. So, I ask you, would it be better to let people know of the nuances of this issue? I think you would agree that this “save our children” crap, be it under the guise of trafficking or more obviously going against non-heterosexuals, is not genuine. We need to call these people out on their lies. And we need a newer children’s bill of rights. The lack of trust in adults with their children is concerning and will need to be addressed. This can hopefully prevent the next time these events occur.
Whoever is careless with truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important affairs. - Albert Einstein
I think that Lukashenko made a potentially fatal mistake. By allowing Prighoshin exile in Belarus, he risks being kicked out of power by the remnants of Wagner.
Something to consider
Greetings Jim:
30 years. It has been 30 years since a pair of kidnappings happened that garnered our attention in the US. One was local, and the other was more national. The local one, at least for me, was the Katie Beers kidnapping which lasted about 2 weeks and ended when John Esposito confessed to abducting her. I remember that time well because it happened close to where I live in Nassau County, New York on Long Island. And it was one of those cases where the victim is found, and people stop talking about it until years later. The national case was Polly Klass (1981-1993). Klass was kidnapped and then murdered within the span of an hour or so. However, it was not until Richard Allen Davis confessed to dumping her body two months after her death that the case was resolved.
Now here is the kicker. When Katie Beers left John Esposito’s lair on January 13, 1993, people came to realize that much of Beers’ family life was under the rubric of abuse. She left those relationships and has been in a better position ever since. With respect to Polly Klass, there is still the perception that the Klass household was loving and caring. And I suppose it was. Yet, on the day of Richard Davis's sentencing in 1996, he said that Polly Klass had said among her last words “just don’t do me like my dad.” Now, that has always been striking a chord with me. Because that implied an incestuous father-daughter relationship was taking place. One that was not transactional. Of course, nothing concrete has been documented, in part because of Polly Klass’ death. It just would not surprise me to have this theory made true. Having said that, we know that both women came from abusive households. Yet one was able to have a litany of people be aware about it and seek her release from captivity (Katie Beers), yet with Polly Klass the real terror lay within Klass house behind closed doors. Indeed, I had always wondered if Polly Klass willingly allowed her murder to happen as a way of having one final act of autonomy over her own being. We might never really know.
I point this out to you since the current iteration of the Republican Party has regretfully made child kidnapping a main pillar of their policies. In that, they keep mentioning the need to protect children and the proposals to send every child that is trafficked back to their homes. Well, not all homes of origin were and are a loving environment. And not all children who have been kidnapped and/or trafficked for sex would like to return to their homes. Plus, as we have known, the more conservatives make explicit their protestations on what they perceive as a lack of morality, the more obvious it is to me that these conservatives and Q/Trump/Flynn adherents are amongst the worst in abusing their own children. So, I ask you, would it be better to let people know of the nuances of this issue? I think you would agree that this “save our children” crap, be it under the guise of trafficking or more obviously going against non-heterosexuals, is not genuine. We need to call these people out on their lies. And we need a newer children’s bill of rights. The lack of trust in adults with their children is concerning and will need to be addressed. This can hopefully prevent the next time these events occur.
Whoever is careless with truth in small matters cannot be trusted in important affairs. - Albert Einstein
Best Wishes and Kindest Regards,
Robert Kelly
This intuitively feels right, unfortunately. I hope for the best and fear the worst.
AND for many more subscribers!
I think that Lukashenko made a potentially fatal mistake. By allowing Prighoshin exile in Belarus, he risks being kicked out of power by the remnants of Wagner.
Again thank you for the straight forward information.