Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

We, as in the Washington establishment owned and operated by the corrupt oligarchy, are never going to bring Putin's pals Flynn and lying Trump to justice as they are determined to turn the USA into a Christofascist state modeled on Russia where the billionaire set make all the decisions. This is, of course, funny as they have been the ones making all the decisions since Ronnie started us down the path of autocracy so many years ago. They are never satisfied with not having the all the power if they can't crush all decent and they are well on their way to achieve it thanks to an simple minded "conservative Christian" mob of voters who will believe anything the right tells them from hateful right wing news and radio to the pulpit on Sunday. They have an information bubble well in place thanks to that nest of vipers that are the right wing billionaires that fund all the "conservative" think tanks that write the anti-democracy/anti-individual freedom legislation that the Senate, with the help of "conservative Democrats" pass for the benefit of the Christofascist white nationalist movement. As the left has no real effective active support with this kind of long term thinking from the billionaire class we are definitely just waiting for the axe to fall on what's left of our tattered democracy.

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Apr 19, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I am continually gobsmacked that intelligence agencies, FBI or somebody, for crying' out loud, isn't doing SOMETHING about this! How much proof do they need, for the love of Mike!

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Apr 20, 2022·edited Apr 20, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

The fact that they do nothing is proof enough that the fox is well ensconced in the chicken house and justice will never be served again in this failed state. Democrats just blindly babble and move forward without putting any real teeth in what they decry as they have lost the will to fight due to the lame unbelievable reason that they say they don't want to look partisan. So much better to end democracy and be able to say I stood up for bipartisanship because I still believe in rules and laws.

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I'm afraid I pretty much agree with you, Michael. There are a few Dems who tell it like it is, but they are quickly muzzled by the old guard. Sad.

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