Jim, I'm glad I saw your warning about CounterSocial. I trust you so that's enough for me.

I've been trying to round up support from fellow techies for decentralized-yet-prosocial alternatives. Because it's crazy that there always has to be some Zuckerberg/Musk/Jester who can read everything and who amasses all the power.

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And have been writing on these themes for a while, e.g. prosocialcapitalism.com. Problem is, I thought we'd have more time. The evil is coming at us so fast, that we probably have to find something (imperfect) that already exists.

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Pressure (primary) must be put on Biden to do what is necessary at SCOTUS, in Congress and at the DOJ.

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May 4, 2022·edited May 4, 2022

Pressure on Congress is only successful when that pressure is advanced with a shitload of cash and that is the main reason we continue to lose these political battles as we don't have the price of the admission ticket to even play. This has become a battle of the billionaires and our side has few of those that care about anything but funneling more of the nations treasure into their own accounts and making this country a safe tax haven with zero regulations on getting whatever they want. And haven't you noticed the DOJ is toothless under Democrat control for fear of kicking the well armed radical fascists on the right. Another invitation to take over what's left of our democracy and personal freedom.

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I moved over to CounterSocial which is very left leaning and has teamed up with BOTSENTINEL, they don't allow trolling, harassment, etc... they block proxies from many hostile nations. So far I like it. Anyone can can find me there @DaleNewton. Here is the TOS for those who maybe interested. https://counter.social/terms.html

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The Jester is no one’s friend. That’s a trap IMO.

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I had my reservations though I have confidence in Christopher Bouzy and the team at BOTSENTINEL which is a company that I believe are operates in good faith.

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I think Chris is right about everything except this. The Jester is an op. Has been for a decade.

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looking at mastodon. the only problem is it’s horrible.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

I would like to give a special shout-out to those podcast, outlets that rose during the rise of Bernie. The class-reductionists like Jacobin, DSA-affiliated writers & podcasters eco hate “identity politics” & “the libs” & hate Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party so much they have constantly & for years *downplayed* the far right,

Look no further than “dirt bag leftist” Amber Frost & her nonsense. Or Jacobin writer, Ben Burgis, the same fucking thing. All these people have done incredible harm to folks on the left taking far RW extremism seriously.

It’s vital folks understand that we’d be a much more unified left if not for these full-on grifters & liars.

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Throw in “Red Scare” and “QAnonAnonymous” and “Chapo” and the rest of the blackpilled losers carrying water for fascism.

They all played everyone. They were cheerleading the whole time. And raking in everyone’s money.

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May 4, 2022Liked by Jim Stewartson

100%. Without Chapo, Jacobin & affiliated writers, all got their rise because of the 2016 campaign, none of these fools like the Strasserite Red Scare pod, Burgis (who recently went on Joe Rogen as a ‘leftist’ lol), and affiliated would have ever made 50 cents, let alone the THOUSANDS per month in Patreon. That’s a reality

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