The Next Insurrection Will Be National
A traveling terrorist camp in the guise of a movie tour is setting the groundwork for mass chaos and violence
On April 5th, the worst traitor in the history of the United States, “Putin’s General” Mike Flynn, began a 35 city national tour to honor himself as an American hero, and to create a network of terrorist cells ready to act on his command for whatever “Black Swan event” he exploits — or causes.
Flynn’s special guest for the premiere of his auto-hagiographical film tour was Roger Stone, the co-architect of two previous organized attempts to overthrow the government — a successful one in 2016 and a violent, failed attempt in 2020-1.
In 2016, they targeted a pizza restaurant.
In 2020, they targeted the Capitol.
In 2024, the insurrection will be national.
“His government betrayed him” is the Goebbels-like projection that pensioner LTG (Ret) Mike Flynn will peddle on his tour, when in reality Mike Flynn has been a Russian intelligence proxy since he went to GRU headquarters in June 2013.
Flynn was fired 6 weeks after Putin invaded Crimea because Flynn misled the government about the imminent threat to Ukraine, including keeping Barack Obama, who warned Trump not to hire Flynn 2 years later, in the dark.
Flynn will now freely travel his psyops to 35 cities around the country, with a small army of J6 insurrectionists, psychological warfare veterans, foreign agents and neo-Nazis in tow, all in his project to create a network of paramilitary cells who will be waiting for his orders. Flynn now openly portrays himself as a Christ-like figure being resurrected to wreak revenge on the “government who betrayed him.” In truth, he is at war with America, allied with our enemies. It could not be any clearer.
The systemic failure of our institutions and press, which not only allows this traitor to attempt a third demolition of the Constitution through hybrid warfare, but intentionally ignores it, is the most frightening part of all.
Flynn is bringing multiple J6 insurrectionists with him on the tour, including his “5th Generation Warfare” co-author Boone Cutler, a US Army PSYOP veteran who is teaching Christians how to use psychological warfare against their neighbors.
Flynn’s network is overtly radicalizing American ISIS through psychological operations and teaching cult members how to do it as well—all in the guise of “Christian Nationalism.”
This is a Russian fifth column collecting money and brainwashing Americans in the project to destroy an election. Again, this is not clandestine, it is overt.
Mike Flynn is also taking J6 insurrection-planner (and probable pipe bomber) Ivan Raiklin on his national psyops tour. Ivan has a giant string wall with all of Flynn’s enemies, including Mike Pence who was the target of Raiklin’s “Pence Card” on J6.
Proud Boy, Pizzagate patsy Mike Jr. will sell merch.

With six months to go before the 2024 election the tinder is bone dry and piled up while arsonists travel to churches around the country setting brush fires and planning an inferno.
We need a counterinsurgency, folks. No one is coming to rescue us.
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There is no one on the left leading and the corporately owned "news" media has no intention of fighting a fascist regime that promises them to lower taxes, remove health and welfare regulations and will open up all public lands for exploitation.
Yes, the "legacy" corporate media has kissed the ring and is laying prostrate at the feet of the mobbed-up, puppet of Putin, the Orange Hitler wannabe, who has now been immunized by the 6-member organized crime majority on the SCOTUS. If Biden does not use his SCOTUS-granted immunity first, then it is game over. Where is Dark Brandon when we need him most?