I have been attacked for offering gun safety solutions by a swarm of 'LBGTQ Anarchists' - one after another after another. Each with unique kooky profiles and responding as if I were a mortal enemy. Claiming to be from USA but absolutely nothing indicated that to be true. Their game was to use my own words against me. In my case, I fought back with logic & humor - calling them all out for what they are. So I suppose it was a draw. But it's def an online RW/Putin/GQP mechanism.
Jim, seems I’m collateral damage in this mess for sticking up for you. I’ve been suspended for a tweet I didn’t even post. Can I email you or something.
On the aside, don't know if you're into watching TV series but because you pioneered VR, AR tech, have you seen, "Halt and Catch Fire"? It's one of the very few quality shows about how the internet and IBM machines became mainstream. It's a lot of fun and very well done fictional series based on a solid foundation for tech at the time.
I look forward to learning about how these (vicious) attacks work and who is behind them. Also, I too am blown away by your bio and it explains a lot! Thank you for sharing and putting yourself out there even when it can't be easy to do. Takes a lot of courage to do so. Kudos! Let us (me) know how I can help.
There’s no reasoning w/ them. Even trying to “give” a bit to get us on the same side doesn’t work. The back & forth I went through made it clear to me that the goal is to be “right” (whether they are or not) more than it is to deal w/ the actual problem we are trying to solve. I apologize, Jim. I failed to get through to anyone because that’s not the point. They’re happy believing HBO’s oversimplification of the Q problem & have convinced themselves that attacking you is the way to solidify this one guy’s work, that while it does have some validity, is not the whole picture by any stretch.
My biggest fear is that there are anonymous actors who have exploited egos and are weaponizing people against the cause.
When will people get that this is social engineering warfare? Everyone is a target. So sorry you’re going through this, Jim. We’re here for you.
It happened to me too during the early days after tweeting round the clock about Trump Russia before everyone else started tweeting about it. Is there such a thing as being ghosted? Where people can't see your account? This is terrible that your account got suspended.
You can count on me to share -- hoping we can keep working together too
The rot goes so deep with their hole crew , dating back to blogging days pre-social media..... Scouted for by guys like Andrew Briebart & his buddy Steve Bannon and funded by guys like Robert Mercer . Pobosciec , Cerno, Cassandra. Ali, James O'Keefe etc all came up together with their help & are still running controlled ops of targeted harassment & deza
Man I jumped on Cassandras twit and she blocked me right away. I read that bullshite disinformation gang she belongs to. It’s like high school crap. She’s in Michigan right?
I'm so glad you are talking about this. I commented notaturtle's post about you 2 days ago and got blocked by her then brigaded by a bunch of very far left anarchist Twitter personality wannabes and their bots. Looking forward to seeing this list of 100 to see if the ones that went after me are on there. These people are a problem. And use fascist tactics to bully people on Twitter. Its gross. Not the first time I was brigaded by anarchists. The horseshoe is real...
Kassandra stalks my account and repeatedly blocks and unblocked me, just so she can leave nasty replies on my tweets😂. It's hard to believe she's really an adult....
I have no idea if she works with this Schoenberg guy. When Kassandra had me unblocked, (and I could see her tweets,) I could see she was communicating with Mike Rothschild. But usually I can't see her tweets, so IDK. I'm not sure if she is targeting every account that had been "liking" Jim's tweets, or if she just dislikes me personally 🤔
So glad you are doing this thread. I discovered your hard work after Sommer highlighted the diligence it took to find out Flynn walks around with a Theosophic Incantation in his back pocket. Not the Saint Michael prayer I read in Give Us This Day.
I have encountered the inauthentic namaste people along the way and look forward to more people rising beyond such Hellscape. Was telling a dear friend the other day that the misappropriation of such methods is well just that misappropriation.
Sorry to keep going but this issue has been my soapbox as well. Wouldn’t the misappropriation of TENA, which would include both sources and methods, be criminal? Of course it would.
She came after me when I was defending you & your work. Just a screenshot..no names named. She still found me & spammed me w/ bs.
I have been attacked for offering gun safety solutions by a swarm of 'LBGTQ Anarchists' - one after another after another. Each with unique kooky profiles and responding as if I were a mortal enemy. Claiming to be from USA but absolutely nothing indicated that to be true. Their game was to use my own words against me. In my case, I fought back with logic & humor - calling them all out for what they are. So I suppose it was a draw. But it's def an online RW/Putin/GQP mechanism.
can you share a link to one of these threads on twitter?
I had to block KassandraSeven
Jim, seems I’m collateral damage in this mess for sticking up for you. I’ve been suspended for a tweet I didn’t even post. Can I email you or something.
On the aside, don't know if you're into watching TV series but because you pioneered VR, AR tech, have you seen, "Halt and Catch Fire"? It's one of the very few quality shows about how the internet and IBM machines became mainstream. It's a lot of fun and very well done fictional series based on a solid foundation for tech at the time.
I look forward to learning about how these (vicious) attacks work and who is behind them. Also, I too am blown away by your bio and it explains a lot! Thank you for sharing and putting yourself out there even when it can't be easy to do. Takes a lot of courage to do so. Kudos! Let us (me) know how I can help.
There’s no reasoning w/ them. Even trying to “give” a bit to get us on the same side doesn’t work. The back & forth I went through made it clear to me that the goal is to be “right” (whether they are or not) more than it is to deal w/ the actual problem we are trying to solve. I apologize, Jim. I failed to get through to anyone because that’s not the point. They’re happy believing HBO’s oversimplification of the Q problem & have convinced themselves that attacking you is the way to solidify this one guy’s work, that while it does have some validity, is not the whole picture by any stretch.
My biggest fear is that there are anonymous actors who have exploited egos and are weaponizing people against the cause.
When will people get that this is social engineering warfare? Everyone is a target. So sorry you’re going through this, Jim. We’re here for you.
It happened to me too during the early days after tweeting round the clock about Trump Russia before everyone else started tweeting about it. Is there such a thing as being ghosted? Where people can't see your account? This is terrible that your account got suspended.
Just found UR email ;-)
You can count on me to share -- hoping we can keep working together too
The rot goes so deep with their hole crew , dating back to blogging days pre-social media..... Scouted for by guys like Andrew Briebart & his buddy Steve Bannon and funded by guys like Robert Mercer . Pobosciec , Cerno, Cassandra. Ali, James O'Keefe etc all came up together with their help & are still running controlled ops of targeted harassment & deza
You’re just so unlikable!
I assume the "Why so mad" guy is talking to me. You must know me, "Mad man", because you're right, I am a bitch. 😉
That individual tweets about you all day, almost like it’s a job, for $$. Whose money?
Man I jumped on Cassandras twit and she blocked me right away. I read that bullshite disinformation gang she belongs to. It’s like high school crap. She’s in Michigan right?
Oh Johanna you are so over the target on that one. Dig deeper, follow the money.
I'm so glad you are talking about this. I commented notaturtle's post about you 2 days ago and got blocked by her then brigaded by a bunch of very far left anarchist Twitter personality wannabes and their bots. Looking forward to seeing this list of 100 to see if the ones that went after me are on there. These people are a problem. And use fascist tactics to bully people on Twitter. Its gross. Not the first time I was brigaded by anarchists. The horseshoe is real...
KassandraSeven Tweets protected so we can report that account. But who CAN we start watching on your behalf?
That one is particularly frustrating.
You can still report a protected account
Kassandra stalks my account and repeatedly blocks and unblocked me, just so she can leave nasty replies on my tweets😂. It's hard to believe she's really an adult....
Sounds like a Thomas Schoenberg Op. In that recent deposition it said it did not matter whether its were left or right.
I have no idea if she works with this Schoenberg guy. When Kassandra had me unblocked, (and I could see her tweets,) I could see she was communicating with Mike Rothschild. But usually I can't see her tweets, so IDK. I'm not sure if she is targeting every account that had been "liking" Jim's tweets, or if she just dislikes me personally 🤔
I did a crash course on Schoenberger last week. Further support of Radicalized Pod was my determined result.
Good to see you here, would be better to see you back on Twitter. Keep up the good fight my friend!
So glad you are doing this thread. I discovered your hard work after Sommer highlighted the diligence it took to find out Flynn walks around with a Theosophic Incantation in his back pocket. Not the Saint Michael prayer I read in Give Us This Day.
I have encountered the inauthentic namaste people along the way and look forward to more people rising beyond such Hellscape. Was telling a dear friend the other day that the misappropriation of such methods is well just that misappropriation.
Sorry to keep going but this issue has been my soapbox as well. Wouldn’t the misappropriation of TENA, which would include both sources and methods, be criminal? Of course it would.