Trump’s running. The nomination is his for the asking.

Needs to run for ego, grifting, and delay trials and days of accounting.

Don’t fool yourself. He’s running.

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I notice he's got a couple of bikers standing behind him, ffs.

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Imagine actually believing Biden is trying to destroy America and this Mussolini wannabe is trying to save it.

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So fkn dangerous. Lock fkn fatass up. Disgusting vile cult. You two on the other hand are FKN hilarious 😆

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Hmmm, after watching that clip with your commentary... perhaps those folders were empty because it was related to Manafort, Stone, etc., DFG gave them to the named targets and they now have the originals?

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I’d doubt that those were the only copies. Someone else wrote them and printed them, so there’s probably electronic copies somewhere, at least. Even if there aren’t any other copies, whoever wrote them should still have the original data they were taken from.

That said, the thought of giving them to the likes of Stone and Manafort sends chills up my spine.

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Jim and Gal, do a third analyst, Green New Deal, Turtle.

Please...for the opposition voice of their Shale Game.

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They surely are still so obsessed with Hillary with their lock her up. There is that famous Hillary in the Rain poster from the campaign of 2008. Somebody is in the know on that Ad. Don't forget Maya Harris was a direct target of their 2016 communications staff hack.

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Kremlin Kanye who sold a mansion to a Putin aligned oligarch for double it's worth (like Trump) pushes christofascism, called Trump his dragon brother in the oval office wearing a MAGA hat, ran as a spoiler candidate for him, and probably had his publicist intimidate an election worker for Trump, just randomly conspiratorially name dropped Clinton like she's a Russian mob boss. I won't buy College Dropout on vinyl until he drops dead. Putin pays Kanye. I bet he's laundering his blood money too.


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"At the end of his speech Trump did a live version of this video which is professionally designed propaganda complete with dark, scary music and imagery."

Jesus, it is their Ruination Campaign Advertisement of 2022.

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