Do you remember what Alex Alvarova said? She talked about this quiet moment when the trolls become silent, waiting for new instructions. I think they got them. I came across this tweet from a few days ago (anonymous account that really likes Jan, links to q origins project @ FantasticGvnFox). It was addressed to Steven Jarvis (and to… us): “Twitter is the proper final arbiter of who and what is allowed on Twitter, so if Twitter bans an account, it is an authentic ban regardless of whether the users agree. They don't even *need* a reason.” — fucking dystopian. I wonder if Twitter agrees with that statement. It’s not great PR.

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An operation like this costs serious money. It looks like a ‘clean the narrative’ ops by the Chrysto-Fascists. So it smells like Thiel. He has already made Facebook a Fascist alter life by altering the algorithms. So now Twitter is next.

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Regarding Kathe0, the following triggered.


Steven has been hit by mutiple accounts.

Plus he added @TAGS i.e. @KassandraSeven @Mike... in his tweets.

Reported as TARGETED and spamming them.

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These f**kers pounce on the opportunity to use the report option.

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Section 230 needs to be revised. "Social Media" cooperation's needs to be held accountable they need to stop hiding behind; they're some independent platform bring people together theory. When in fact it's has done more harm than good when it come to ripping us working class in half than Fox News could ever dream of. The SM company's make billions run a ads customized to the use, two users interface are being run by algorithms that bias by nature to match the users social construct, allowing ill willed bastards with the knowhow to subliminally influence a percentage of society under the guise of whatever, to achieve their desired outcome wither it be politically or to attack a persons entire life.

Id be more that happy to pay a small fee a month for a social media site that's free of ads, where everyone has to be verified person, and over the age of 18. Such site should have the same rules similar to that of twitch, but actually enforce said rules with a transparent safety department. Though that's just a pipe dream because like every other commodities based on if it is needed or can can compete in the market. We know hate sells and people will always run away from any idea of censorship which often to them just means being an asshole in public.

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Jesus. I thought FaceBook was a shithole (I was once inauthentically suspended for 30 days which motivated me to join Twitter).

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I viewed a few Tweets of Steve interacting with Sue. Steve was very cordial and basically just asking direct questions on your behalf. And Sue did what Sue does - lie and deflect. I think you are right Jim, something seems jinky with Twitter. Too many decent accounts are being targeted while these jackasses just run rampant with their twisted troll machinery. Decent accounts being anyone directly confronting these asshats.

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Same happened to me around 6pm tonight. Same notice. I've been sharing substack and Steven's stuff and they didn't like it. I shall return too. Fkn bitches

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Oh, that is bullshit KathO.

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Really? You got suspended?

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Yep, I'm even on the chart. KatheO. Still on the periphery though.

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Added you to my story. Hope that’s ok. I’m sorry.

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It's okay. I'm all in babe

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Keep appealing.

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I do. It's fun to think of new disgusting words to add to my appeal

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Mar 26, 2022
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Agree @conspirator0 is involved in the suspension and coordination.

SockDetector isn't suspended but restricted.

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