Like Jim said when he started his substack. It is painful to work through trauma. Truly the difference between Trauma Informed Care and Resilience Mental Health.

I did not sign up for Field of Fight Iran Contra Guy dog whistle bullshit. That is the point what makes it treasonous. We did not give our consent for a retired general to misappropriate DIA sources and methods.

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I feel such relief at “finding” you again. I lost my confirmation email in my 675,000 unread emails… but yay here I am. We’ll get you back on Twitter. Your work, your unique voice, all this, is SO valuable, and I’m sure I don’t know the half of it.


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I never understood why people who identified as liberal arts did not just say wait what the fuck what about Hastert. Even prior to Pizzagate Research and Development and Op. During the whole memories pizza network of 2015:

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Same financial network manipulators way back then. Same formula gaming off hate.

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When my computer was hacked during Macondo 2010 I came back as quickly as I could get back in to say I am gay.

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