Elephant in the Room
If we allow SCOTUS back in the building, we will be in either 1933 or 1861
If the Supreme Court comes back in session as scheduled in October, we will be guaranteed a constitutional crisis. As I have extensively written, this SCOTUS is not a court of law, it’s an organized crime ring installed by Opus Dei member and Knight of Malta, theocratic fascist Leonard Leo, in a long game to overthrow the U.S. government. JD Vance is just a badly conceived pawn.
For decades, with the assistance of compromised and corrupt politicians, a group of theocrats, oligarchs, and foreign dictators have conspired to take control of the Judicial Branch. By illegally installing Trump in 2016, after changing the number of Justices from 9 to 8 to stall Merrick Garland’s nomination for nearly a year, they succeeded in gaining a supermajority on the highest court in America.
Over the course of the Biden administration, the Supreme Cult has performed some of the most bizarre and undemocratic acrobatics in history to destroy fifty years of precedent to take away women’s rights, legalize the equivalent of machine guns, seize the power of the government to regulate, and make the President a dictator. There is absolutely no bottom.
So, while there is very good reason to believe that Democrats will win the political race in November, unfortunately that has little to do with the results, historically speaking.
Democrats have won the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 elections, despite the results. The last 5 GOP presidents have been elected through cheating:
Nixon got elected by doing an illegal deal with the Vietnamese.
Reagan got elected by doing an illegal deal with Iran.
Bush got elected by covering up Iran-Contra.
W got elected by cheating in Florida.
Trump got elected by colluding with Russia.
Trump tried to steal another election in 2020.

So that leaves us today with a Kamikaze Kourt, ready to put their robes back on and plunge the nation into yet another constitutional crisis.
The American insurgency led by Mike Flynn and his network has had almost four years to prepare for this third attempt to overthrow an election. The legal challenges this time will not be ridiculous lawfare by Sidney Powell. The strategies are openly being planned. This is a controlled demolition, and SCOTUS will light the fuse.
Recall that the 2020 election was not that close, historically. Biden-Harris won by 7 million votes, 74 electoral votes, 4.4%.
Nevertheless, we barely got through. Despite the obvious outcome of the election, Mike Flynn and his network used QAnon to amplify the Big Lie and execute a violent insurrection of the Capitol, nearly capturing the Vice President, with the open intention to hang him and prevent the peaceful transition of power. Now, 44 months later, we know the next insurrection being planned will be national.
This Fall, if SCOTUS comes back in session, we will be forced into one of two historical precedents. It will either be 1933 Weimar Germany, where Franz von Papen, a Knight of Malta like Leonard Leo, voluntarily handed control to Hitler, or it will be 1861 in the United States where Lincoln had to ignore the Supreme Court and win a Civil War to save the Republic.
The forces that have been arrayed against the 2024 election have taken a significant blow because Joe Biden did a historic thing, he gave up his own power to a new generation who are energized in a way we haven’t seen since 2008.
But we are still in an undeclared civil war. We still need a plan to win it.
My idea is simple, Joe Biden should close the Supreme Court building until the next President is inaugurated. Will it create a crisis? Yes. But that crisis will be far less drastic than the fatal train wreck, which we can all see coming, that is otherwise guaranteed after the election.
The basic strategy of the insurgency is to discredit the election and decertify electoral votes to keep the winner’s count under 270. All of the mechanisms to do this are already in place.
Decertification in local and state elections will be legally challenged and ultimately end up in the Supreme Court, which will uphold those decertifications. That will create a contested or contingent election and “throw the vote to the House.”
In that scenario, each state gets one vote, ensuring a GOP win. Game over.
Until I hear someone give me a credible alternate scenario, I’m going to keep sounding this alarm. If we’re relying on SCOTUS to “do the right thing“ after the election, we’re just fiddling on the Titanic until they force us to submit to their treason or go to war to preserve our own freedom.
We must lock the doors on the Supreme Court building until we can expand the Court and remove the corrupt “Justices” threatening to dismantle the Constitution and enable a Fourth Reich.
It’s time to get serious. It’s time to end this insurgency once and for all, protect the Constitution, and preserve American democracy.
#LockTheDoors #ExpandTheCourt
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As you may know, I’ve been sued by Mike Flynn in Florida, and apparently Kash Patel in Nevada. If you’d like to help me fight these specific traitors, my legal defense fund is at stopmikeflynn.com.
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I would suggest we make sure the vote tally is so strong in favor of Harris/Walz in November, that the opposition can't do anything but whine and retreat back under their rock. As for the orange turd's faithful, who choose to attempt another violent overthrow... it will be different this time, with democrats already in place and the Capitol secured in advance. We're not going back and they are beginning to realize that. The most powerful weapon we have against tyranny, is our vote. Volunteer to phone bank or door knock. Support your state and local candidates as well with your $$$. VOTE!
A choice between 1933 or 1861, better not be a real option even though both are plausible, because should the bullets fly, they would fly in both directions. I promise. I hear Tim Walz is a crack shot. Please vote. Get your friends to vote.
I know institutionalists will argue this is contravening the Constitution, but that has already happened in the form of the absurd, contorted rulings of the Federalist Society®️Supreme Court.