The Black Swan Coming From a Mile Away
How a manufactured apocalypse will remake the world—one way or the other
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I struggled to find an adequate metaphor for what’s unfolding around us, so I borrowed a phrase recently abused repeatedly by Mike Flynn—“black swan event” which is a theory about “statistically unexpected events of large magnitude.”
This raises the question, if the unexpected event was predicted and predictable does it qualify as a black swan? No, of course not. You can see this one coming from a mile away. They’re not even afraid to say it out loud.
Mike Flynn’s End Times Prophecies Need to Be Taken Seriously
Holy War in the Middle East
It is increasingly clear that a real conspiracy of enemies foreign and domestic are intentionally attempting to start a holy war in the Middle East. By itself, given all prior history, that might just be seen as just one more in a long series of wars, albeit encouraged and funded by Putin to distract from Ukraine—but it’s just one battle in a manufactured world war.
Since writing the article above, Hamas visited Moscow again, Netanyahu welcomed a phone call from Putin and Bibi used dehumanizing, supremacist religious rhetoric.
“We are the children of the light, they are the people of darkness… We shall realize the prophecy of Isaiah.” —Bibi Netanyahu

Theocracy is in the House
In the United States, after 22 days of fascist kabuki, a Putin-paid, dominionist freak became Speaker of the House—a man even more unhinged than Jim Jordan—Mike Johnson of Louisiana, who immediately showed off his lack of concern for the 1st Amendment by reading scripture from the chair.
Establishment clause:
“Congress shall make no law respecting establishment of religion…”
Johnson has been endorsed as a good pick by the Flynns, and is a full member of the New Apostolic Reformation or NAR, a dangerous group of false Christian “prophets” that has been weaponized to destroy American democracy.
Alleged Venmo child trafficker Matt Gaetz called Mike Johnson “our guy.”
Silencing Critics
We’re being hit with numerous crises at once with more to come—and our adversaries are becoming even more shameless in silencing anyone who tries to speak out.
As just one example, yesterday Mike Flynn added to the long list of people he is suing because they had the temerity to speak out about him. Just as I have have been sued for $10M by Mike Flynn (and Kash Patel), now so have MSNBC, Nicolle Wallace, and Andrew Weissmann—Mueller lead prosecutor.
These are some of the only people willing to say Flynn’s name on TV which is exactly why he’s going after them.
On the same day Flynn filed yet another frivolous lawsuit, Elon Musk “shadowbanned” me, which means no one can find me through search on Xitter. This is a serious penalty and results in people searching my name only finding my stalkers and impersonators. This is information war and he’s making me nearly invisible.

Musk is Creating Stochastic Terrorism
It may be that Elon Musk is upset with me because I pointed out that Robert Card, the accused fugitive mass murderer who slaughtered 18 people in Lewiston, Maine, was a big fan of Musk. This is the intended effect, as I have been warning for a long time.
Here is a small sample of Card’s twitter activity.
The undeniable fact is that Musk, Netanyahu & Flynn are on the same team. They want the same thing. The terrorism in Israel and America is intended to spark mass violence in the project to destabilize democracy.
The Next “Black Swan” is China
It seems clear that Putin’s plan is to embroil the US in so many conflicts that we lose interest in helping ensure a free, democratic Ukraine.
With a manufactured holy war brewing in the Middle East, increasing unrest and stochastic violence in the US fueled by unfettered Kremlin psyops & propaganda, we are stretched very thin. The government is paralyzed, the military is being called up to protect Israel, and the population is weary and frightened.
But what takes this scenario from a geopolitical crisis to a conflagration? China.
On 60 Minutes last weekend, Director of the FBI Christopher Wray, ran a psychological operation on television—with the cooperation of our “Five Eyes” partners: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom—to call China “by far” the greatest danger to the US.
He boasted that the FBI had “over 2,000 investigations” into Chinese theft of intellectual property and did his best to create as much fear as possible about it.
This was nothing short of Kremlin propaganda coming from the FBI Director. By directing American xenophobia towards China as our current greatest geopolitical danger, he is intentionally misdirecting from Russia.
Charles Flynn
Mike Flynn and his network ritually do much the same thing as Wray did on 60 Minutes. Recall 8 months ago, Wray went on Fox News to blame COVID on Chinese biolabs.
QAnon and MAGA ritually protect Russia and promote Putin as “based” and heroic while they demonize China—and America—as degenerate cesspools.
It seems to me the final piece of this terrifying puzzle commands 100,000 American troops in the Pacific, four-star General Charles Flynn—who helped his brother Mike by delaying the National Guard for three hours on January 6th. If there were a conflict with China over Taiwan—or a conflict created by Trump’s pet dictator in North Korea, Kim Jong Un—the US Army Pacific, and its Commanding General Charles Flynn, would respond.
Given Charles Flynn’s previous history of being willing to assist in a plot to overthrow the government in a crisis, why in the world do we think he would stop now?
Mike Flynn—and his entire family, including Charlie—are blatantly allied with Putin, who is openly attempting to cause mass death and stochastic violence to weaken the US & NATO, and to draw us away from Ukraine.
The “black swan” we need to worry about is the one in the Kremlin, who has brainwashed a third of America, corrupted the Israeli government, embedded a Manchurian General in our military, and captured the Republican Party.
It’s all predictable. It is not unexpected. But if we aren’t honest about what’s actually happening, we cannot defeat the threat— instead, together, we will be marched right into an actual apocalypse.
This is how I see it too, Jim. It seems clear as day to me. So very frustrating. I will continue to share your work. Thanks.
Jim, get the book out. Then tour it. Be safe. The children scream, make it stop. The animals scream make it stop. The elders must stop these insane people. Enough already. Uuuugggggghhhhhh